Kenosha and Madison, Wisconsin

I'm going to be writing my reviews a little differently from now on, for two reasons: 1. It takes an incredibly long time to type out each and every single thing that happens, and 2. There is just WAY too much packed into each show to ever be able to do Da Boyz justice by trying to explain it all here.

Anyway, I'm going to hit on the funny/sexy things...what I can remember of them anyway.


The first show was in Kenosha and we were on the third row. Apparently Scott didn't expect to see MoNKrik in Wisconsin of all places, let alone with a hurricane threatening Texas. The second song was "For You, For Now, For Life" and as they started singing, Scott noticed us sitting there. He motioned toward me with his hand and sang the first line, "Why're you here?" and he smiled SO big! He always manages to make me feel special. But that's what makes Scott who he is, ya know? A short while later, he danced to our side of the stage and shook his darlin' little bootay. Lord, help me. *G*

Okay I can't remember which song, but George was singing. He moved over to our side and pointed directly at Coleen, then me, then Krik, then Brendaly. Then pointed at the four of us again. Aw...During intermission, this lady asked Coleen, "So are you guys groupies?" To which we replied, "Yep!" She said, "I can tell. It's pretty easy to tell when the best looking guy in the group singles you out from the stage." No kidding. *G*

At the Madison shows, Scott commented on the fact that many famous people had performed there, one of which was Louie Armstrong. He then looked over at George and said, "That's your cue." George then did a little "Louie". When he finished he said, "That hurt!" Scott: "From now on, I'm going to ask if Louie Armstrong played at each venue, whether he did or not, just so you have to do that." George looked at him like he wanted to kick his ass. *G*

Once, while singing "Zombie", George got extremely tickled during the opening monologue. Took several seconds for him to regain his composure and continue.

The first "Beg Girl" was cute. I forgot her name but Kevin asked her who she came with. She told him her boyfriend's name and Kev said, "So is he a good guy?" And she replied, "Yes, a very good guy. I'm just waiting for him to ask me to marry him." George: "And he just took off for the bathroom!" Kev: "Wow! Um...I did not expect THAT!"

Scott was talking about running by the lake and Kev mentioned the salmon. Several people laughed. Kev: "What? It's not salmon? What is it then? Trout?" Someone said, "It's salmon." Kev: "So why are you laughing? So it's so neat to see them jumping up in the water and spawning...and then they flop up on the pavement...and die." Scott: "I'm a city boy and I only went fishing one time. Caught a catfish and when I saw the hook in its mouth, it made me sad." Kev: "It doesn't hurt them." Scott: "How do you know?" Kev: "Cause I talk to them." LOL

They did "Summertime Blues" and during the break, Scott really shook his butt. Humina. Apparently I had lost all sense of reason and my "Whoo!" was incredibly loud, prompting Scott to turn quickly and *gasp* in my direction. *G*

Midway through one of the shows, Jeff's mic went out. Jeff: "Apparently I spit on this one too much and I broke it." *talking to Fred* "I'm going to change mics." So he changes and we still can't hear him. He's tapping and "testing", etc. Nothing. Scott: "So...what can we sing without Jeff? *pause* Not forever. Just for now." They sang "Baby Girl" which is SO pretty. Meanwhile Jeff wanders back out. Still no sound. Finally someone *I think it was Fred* said: "Line Switch." *meaning Jeff needed to get on a different channel. So Jeff wanders over to switch over, muttering, "Thanks a lot, Fred." *G* He's so cute!

The folks running the show forgot to mention that no pics were allowed during the first Madison show. Apparently everyone was fascinated with Jeff because during his solo, suddenly everyone decided to try to catch him on their cell phones. Jeff caught it and looks out into the audience, stops his solo and says, "Wow. Lookit all the cell phones phones coming on! NO RECORDING!" *motions to a gal in the front row* "Young LADY!" *G*

Scott wore this gorgeous shiny turquoise shirt at the first show in Madison. What a great color on him! Halfway through the show, he took off his jacket and as he was talking, began slowly rolling up his sleeves. Um...let's just add this to the list of things Charles Scott Leonard IV should never EVER do. *G*

Intro-ing "Under the Boardwalk", Kev was talking about oranges in Florida: "We have these" Sounded naughty, but it's Kevin. What can ya do, right? So Scott tried to fancify it and said: "French you know. Globu-laronge." Or something like that. *G*

Apparently Da Boyz have decided that John's "birds" during Under the Boardwalk sound more like sparrows. Once John forgot to come in with them. Kev: "...And you hear the birds singing...." Scott: "CAW." Kev then mentioned the "beach pigs" giving Scott a chance to do his pig thing. Then they moved on to cows. THEN they decided that they better stop while they were behind. *G*

The Mad Hatters opened the first show in Madison. Scott praised them for their talent. Then they started talking about the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. Kev started singing "I'm Late". Scott: "That's a bad song to sing in college." Everyone took the dirty inuendo side (late, as in pregnant) and started laughing. Scott stared into space for a moment, then: "Wait! NO. I didn't mean it like that! I mean, late, like...for class."

"Under the Boardwalk" Kev kinda forgot and starting singing, "Me and in my speedo..." prompting the other four to get tickled. I think they got hernias trying to keep it together until the end. *G*

Once during an encore, Scott gave someone the chance to request a song. Several folks from the opposite side starting yelling out songs at the same time. Scott: "Uh...I believe I was addressing THIS side of the audience." *G*

"Long Cool Woman"....When George said, "I got the pitch", Scott did his usual, "la, la, la, la, la..." George put his head in his hand and Jeff leans over on George, both of them looking totally disgusted. LOL You have to see it!

Scott spent a few minutes talking about how Rockapella got started: "This is the talking part of the show. Sorry." And then started talking about how incredible each member was in their own way. When he got to Jeff, he talked about how amazing he was and how having a VP gives them a chance to work more on the harmonies, etc. Jeff: "Yeah, but if I do this alone..without them singing, I just look stupid."

Once, Scott was talking about Jeff and said, "He doesn't talk." Jeff walked out and started pointing at Scott as if he was going to chew him out. Got up to his face...then turned around and walked backstage again. *G*

During George's talk, someone yelled out, "I love you George!" And he started miming a cell phone and said, "Call me." *G* At another show, someone yelled out George's name and he goes, "Hi, Mom!" *G*

BTW, Scott's parents were at the Madison shows. Hmmm...kinda nice to see what Scott might look like as he gets older. Not bad. Not bad a-tall. *G*

Cuteness during "Ain't Too Proud To Beg": John lays his head in the girl's lap. Aw...

Once, before singing a new song, Scott: "This song is new." *nobody started singing* "It's uh...really new." *G* He also talked about new songs potentially being a train wreck and the front row getting messed up. He called for a tarp and referenced Gallagher. Many of the "younger" ones didn't get it. *G*

Also during another "new" song. Scott: "Just direct your complaints to Mr. Leonard....You SUCK!" Then somehow they got on the subject of emailing and computers and Scott says, "I just found out what LOL stands for. I thought everyone but me knew french." *G*

The last "Beg Girl" was Amy who had a nice tattoo on her back. Kev was absolutely fascinated with it. While Scott was talking to her, Kev's eyes were fixated on Amy's back. He pointed it out to John, who TRIED not to look too long. Then of course, they were ALL ogling it. Thankfully, Amy had the figure to pull it off. It's so sad when folks get a tattoo on the back and instead of being cute, it looks more like one of those old Mad Magazine fold-out pages. Scott managed to get Amy to turn her back to the audience and twisted his own neck around to get a good look. *G* Afterward, one of them asked what the tat meant. Kev: "I think it means "happiness." Scott: "It certainly does." LOL Bad Boyz. All of them. *G*

Scott meandered backstage once while George was singing. Evidently he misjudged the time because when he came back out, his mouth was FULL of food! He looked like a sexy blonde chipmunk! And he didn't try to hide it, just kept singing, chewing, swallowing all at the same time. Why is even THAT sexy to me?

When Da Boyz had their backs to us during George's opening on "Zombie", apparently Scott was trying to um...adjust himself. You could see him pull and tug at the band of his slacks and kinda wiggle. *G* Ah yes. Again...The List of Things Scott Leonard Should Never EVER Do. *G*

And now, just a few comments on the newer songs:

Scott is writing better than he ever has, IMO. His songs are catchy, danceable, and downright freakin' awesome! "Tell Me What You Want" has been stuck in my head since returning home. Krik and I sang the tiny part we remembered at frequent intervals on the 16 hour drive home. "For You, For Now, For Life": "I'm a soldier by your side... "Ain't Got Nothin'" (Z.I.P Zip) "Baby Girl": This is NICE. "Tell Me What You Want" OMG! "...I'll be your little cabin boy. Tell me, is it Romeo or Rambo? Drag your lovely over here and tell me what you want." Humina! "There Will Be Love": Try sitting still during this song. You CAN'T. AWESOME! I think the basic "tone" of the song is that bad things may happen on this earth but in spite of it all "There will be love". Something about Goliath, etc....and for some reason, during that line, George and Kev feel it necessary to smack John in the back of the head. *G* And Dear Lord! Just wait for the last note Scott hits in this song! Amazing! Who said he was getting older and his voice couldn't do that anymore? Naysayers be gone! *sidenote* The very last concert pic from the Wisconsin shows on my site is actually Scott hitting that note. Humina! "Love Lasts": We only heard this song once, but again...AWESOME. Something about "To make love last, you have to put love first." Or something. Wow. Somewhere in this song are the words, "Tell her to open wide..." okay, not in THAT context, but anyway. *G*

And for now, that is all I can remember.

Da Boyz are only getting BETTER!

The Meet and Greet
Back to Wisconsin
Death Of A Rockavirgin