Full Circle

By: Pat Merritt, Marian, Dina, KRH, The Scribe, and Lady Angel

Edited by: KRH and Dina

Complied by: KRH

This episode is the culmination of six different authors working together to create a cohesive story. Now, we don't know if this experiment worked too well, so we'd love your feedback on it!

Here's what we did: I, Lady Angel, wrote a skeletal storyline. I'm talking bare basics here. Mr. X walked in, Mr. X gets killed, etc. Then I sent it to the other authors.

Their job was to take a character and expand on their emotions and actions in the storyline. Then our editor, KRH, proceeded to weave all of the different stories into one large story. This is the result.

And in case you're wondering who wrote what, here's the list:
Pat Merritt - Josiah
Marian - Nathan
Dina - Ezra
KRH - Mary
The Scribe - Chris and Vin
Lady Angel - Buck and JD

And please remember, we really want to know what you thought of this experimental episode, so please email us! Thank you!

Sitting on her horse on the hill overlooking the town that held the ones she hated the most, Ella Gaines glared at the men around her. "You don't have much time. The others will be back any time now and I want that woman and boy dead, do you hear me?" she hissed hatefully, pinning each of the outlaws in turn with her eyes.

Shifting uncomfortably under the fiery stare, Jeb Nelson nodded curtly. He hated taking orders from a woman but seeing as she had paid each of them fifty bucks with the promise of fifty more after the job was done, he didn't have much choice. He and his men might be cutthroats, scoundrels, murderers and thieves, but they had never backed out on a deal. Sides, from the sound of that woman we're suppose to get, she'd be right nice for the

takin'. "We hear ya," Jeb said finally, glancing at the five men with him to make sure they were listening.

"She'll be in the newspaper office on the south side of town."

"And there's only some old preacher and a snot nose sheriff in town?" Crick asked, grinning at the thought of how easy this money was going to be.

"That preacher and kid can kill all of you if you give them half a chance," Ella snapped.

"Well, that ain't gonna happen now, is it?" Jeb soothed, sharing a knowing grin with his men. Sitting up, the leader gathered the reins in his hands. "Let's go have us some fun."

"Well, that was boring." Buck yawned to emphasize his point.

"Not all wagon trains are gonna be like that first one," Nathan said, stretching in his saddle.

"I am just grateful that we will be home soon," Ezra sighed wearily. Less than a mile ahead of the riders, the town where they had taken up residence beckoned to them.

As Nathan stretched, his mind wandered. All he could see was the comfort of his bed and uninterrupted sleep. No gun shot wounds to patch up, no saddle sores and no knife wounds, just sleep. "Same here, I can't wait to-"

The sound of gunshots and screams riding on the wind cut off his words.

The five riders shot off.

Buck jerked in his saddle at the sound of gunshots. After glancing at his friends, he spurred on his mount. He had known leaving Four Corners was a bad idea!

He could feel the wind rushing by him. Off to his left, Nathan rode just a hard. Ezra, on his right, was damn near plastered against Dulcinea's neck. But it was Chris that held Buck's attention.

Chris was like a black shadow moving across the land, his black's long strides eating up the distance. Vin was right behind him.

God, he prayed, please let it just be some cowboys dustin' up!

JD glanced at Josiah. The big man's uneasiness was easy to discern. He had been that way all morning. "Josiah?"

"Been dreaming about crows again, JD."

JD was uncharacteristically silent, letting Josiah voice his thoughts. The air around them was tense, as if Mother Nature herself knew that something terrible was about to happen.

"They've been attacking the eagle and her baby."

JD stared at his friend before following the line of Josiah's eyes. Several small groups of men stood along the street. Many were trying to act inconspicuous, tying horse reins to hitching posts. Others were not so subtle. "They the crows?" A calm he didn't feel fell over him. Vin once said that the calm was just the body's way of getting ready for a fight. JD
sure as hell hoped he was ready. From the looks of it, they were seriously outnumbered. The sheriff quietly shifted, making it easier to get to his guns.

"Yup." Josiah pulled JD away. "We need to get to Mary."

They watched as the old man and the youngin' headed towards the Clarion.

Throwing down their cigarettes, they followed.

This was going to be easy.

JD glanced into the store front window, seeing the reflections of the men. "They're followin' us." It was only two men, they could take them. But he knew that the others weren't far behind. Lord, he wished the others were back!

Josiah nodded. "Get Billy."

The young sheriff nodded, acknowledging his role in the "plan".

"Miz Travis, where's Billy?" JD glanced about wildly for the boy. The house wasn't large, but he didn't want to waste time.

"In the kitchen studying, why?" Mary answered, worry marring her brow.

JD rushed off, one gun drawn.

Mary saw the gun, felt the urgency. "What's going on? Josiah?" She turned to the older man, but he wasn't paying attention.

Josiah was at the door, looking out at someone. Glancing back at her, he finally answered. "Trouble, ma'am."

He sighed with relief as he found the boy still at the makeshift desk. "C'mon, Billy." JD leaned over, hefting the boy into his arms.

"Where we goin', JD?" Billy's eyes widened when he saw the gun. "Where's Chris?"

JD sighed. "I wish I knew, Billy, I wish I knew." Buck, too, for that matter. And Vin, and Ezra and Nathan.

JD rushed back into the main office, Billy in his arms. "Let's get out of here, Josiah. There's too many of them."

Josiah nodded, then stared into JD's eyes. "We'll split up."

The younger man nodded. JD didn't particularly want to, but he knew that was the only way.

Mary didn't argue with the two men. Instead, she kissed Billy. "Do what Mr. Dunne tells you, all right, sweetheart?"

Billy nodded, his eyes wide. "Momma, where's Chris?"

"Chris isn't here, honey, but Mr. Dunne and Mr. Sanchez are going to take care of us." Mary turned to JD. "JD, no matter what happens . . . ."

JD nodded. His eyes were wide from the look in her eyes. The look of an angry mother bear protecting her child. Her expression told him everything her words didn't. She was entrusting the most important person in her life to him. "I promise, Miz Travis."

JD turned, running for the back door, just as a loud crash banged through the house.

He ran, as fast as he could with the wait of a seven year old child allowed. They needed to hide. But someplace he could get to ammunition and guns if need be. Potter's store! Miz Potter had guns and bullets for sale. And because of her merchandise, it had better locks and doors.

The attack when it came was sudden. There was a darkness at the window, and he started to pull up his gun when there was a flash and the sound of breaking glass. Then there was a blast of pain and his Winchester was on the ground. Josiah, realizing he'd been shot in his gun arm, lunged toward the attackers coming through the door. The first man, the shooter, swung his rifle like a club and took Josiah over the head. Behind him, two other men grabbed Mrs. Travis, who was fighting like a wildcat.

Staggering, with two guns in his face, Josiah clenched his teeth against the pain. One of the men had grabbed at Mary's bosom and Josiah knew they intended to have their bit of fun before killing both of them. Even though his head was whirling, the fear and rage in Mary Travis' eyes was worse than the pain. He lunged, regardless of the rifle in his face and was hit again. His knees hit the ground hard, yet he rose up again. Two of them held him back, while the rest leered over Mrs. Travis like wolves about to drag down a doe.

"You bastards! Let her go!" he bellowed as Mary kicked and bit her attackers, struggling against the two men holding her.

"Find the brat!" Jeb ordered his men.

"No!" Mary struggled harder. The thought of what these men might do to her son after they had finished with her fueled Mary's determination. There was no way these bastards were going to hurt her son.

Filled with a berserk rage, Josiah roared, kicking the two men holding him down. With his good arm, he slugged one of Mary's captors and heard a satisfying crack announcing he'd broken a rib. Mary hauled back and kicked the other in the groin. Josiah felt a feral joy, Mrs. Travis was a woman of steel and damn the fool who messed with her.

"That'll show you for mistreating a lady." Josiah snarled, as his captor's swarmed him, hitting him relentlessly with their guns until he stood, stunned and blinded by his own blood. Still game, he pushed them away and tried to wipe the run of crimson from his eyes. He could hear Mary Travis still struggling, so he knew that he must still fight.

Chris Larabee had entrusted this woman to him and Josiah would be damned if he'd let them have her. So he struggled and fought, not for a poor helpless female, but for the woman who had inspired each of them, teaching them and even learning from them. The only woman Josiah knew who didn't fear him in a wild rage.

The loud gunfire, screams and yelling of bandits could be heard all over town.

Billy whimpered when he heard his mother's cries. "Momma!"

JD held the whimpering child tighter. "Shhh, Billy. Quiet! We can't let them find you!"

"But, my ma . . . ."

"Your ma said to stay put and that's what we're gonna do."

Billy shook his head. "No, she didn't. She said, 'JD, no matter what happens.' She didn't say anythin' about stayin' put."

JD rolled his eyes, wondering if he was this bad at that age. "That's what she meant, Billy, now hush!" Even as he said the words, JD peaked over the shelves to the commotion outside. He made eye contact with the Potter family, where they hid under the stairs, before glancing out the window again.

People were running from the bandits, who seemed intent on causing as much havoc as possible. They were shooting at glass windows, bullets flying in the air. One joker had one of the townsmen dancing by dodging bullets aimed at his feet.

He wanted to go out there and help. He wanted to go out there and take those bastards down. But he had a promise to keep. And like the others had taught him, a man's word was everything.

So even as his hands tightened on his guns and his feet literally itched to move, he stayed where he was. JD raised his eyes heavenward, asking God to hurry the others the hell up.

Jeb watched with disgust as Crick grabbed himself from the pain. He lunged for the widow woman, careful not to make the same mistake as his men. Pulling her roughly against his body, he ran vicious hands over her. "We're gonna have a fine time tonight, missy!"

"Let go of me, you bastard!" Mary fought even as he leered down at her. Struggling, Mary swallowed hard to choke back the bile that rose in her throat at the smell of the men surrounding her. Instinctively, her eyes danced around the area looking for an escape. She was so close to the door and it was open. If she could only break the hold on her, she might be able to make it out there. Then someone might be there to help her save Josiah.

"Gettin' paid to have some fun with a pretty li'l filly like you. Now ain't that the sweetest hundred bucks I've ever made!" His leer turned to a frown when she suddenly stilled in his arms.

Mary had seen hatred before, but never like she was seeing at this moment on the face of the man tearing down the street towards the Clarion. Fury had turned his face into a rigid mask. His normally green eyes were black and hard. His horse's long, purposeful strides ate up the distance between them. Even knowing that he was coming to save her - not harm her - did not still the tremor of fear she felt with his approach.

The look on her face made Jeb turn.

Like the devil bursting out of hell, Larabee was behind them, gun in hand and death in his eyes. He wasn't getting paid enough to deal with this. Pushing the woman roughly away, Jeb met the new threat.

Mary fell to the floor, then scrambled for Josiah. Pausing only long enough to wait for him to finish with the two men he was battling, Mary winced with the thought of how much pain the preacher must be in. Not only had he been shot, he had taken numerous brutal blows. She needed to get him someplace safe where she could tend to him before she went to find Billy. It was the least she could do for this gentle warrior who had risked his own life
to protect her.

Josiah realized his chance and knocked the heads of his two tormenters together. They slumped to the ground unnoticed, as Josiah got the last of the blood out of his eyes and then reached out to Mrs. Travis and picked her up gently. His gnarled, blood-stained hands were steady, but in his heart, something was shaken. He could taste his own blood on his lips and part of him wanted the blood of the men who'd insulted this good woman, this lady.

But her safety was paramount. Larabee had come. He had to make sure she was safe, and then protect the rest of his brothers, and the town, his flock.

JD nearly whooped. Instead, he just grinned. The increase in gunfire told JD that the rest of the Seven were back in town. "Chris' here." He nearly sagged against the wall in relief.

Billy's eyes lit up. As did Mrs. Potter's. They had faith in their peace keepers, and now wasn't the exception.

JD grinned at their exuberant expressions, then frowned, glancing out the windows once more before making up his mind. He needed to get out there and help. He couldn't just hide in the Potter's store!

Jeb fired, again and again, but somehow neither the demon horse nor its devil master went down. So he turned and ran.

JD nearly collided head first with Josiah and Mary as they painfully made their way into the store. He took one look at the older man's arm and pulled them into the safety of the Potter's store. He knew Mrs. Potter had medical supplies. He glanced at the editor. "Miz Travis, I gotta. . . ."

Mary nodded. "Go."

JD smiled, then pressed one of his guns into her hand. He couldn't leave them there without any defense. "Use it if you have to," he ordered, then was gone.

Josiah grinned fiercely as Mary Travis fussed over his wounds, a gun in her hand. He had no doubt she'd use it; ah, she was as much one to ride the river with as the boy who'd become such a promising man.

'God, watch over John Dunne,' he prayed. 'And all of my brothers.' His eyes took in Mrs. Travis, her head bowed over his arm, her golden hair all loose from the attack, her clothing rumpled and torn, yet she was every inch the lady, ready to kill to protect them and her son.

'God bless her, Lord, and protect her from the evil that has besieged us.'

As Mary found a cloth and wiped blood from his face and head with one tender hand, Josiah thought that Brother Chris had two women to steer by now. One was this golden woman, with the light about her face. She'd brought them all together with her courage, and he knew they all considered her theirs in a way, just as knights of old might be sworn to a lady. And this gracious lady gave life, encouraged then, tended them, drove them crazy on

occasion, and prayed for them. She was an inspiration to them all. The time might not be right for them to come together, but he knew that Larabee loved her and she loved him, even if they never spoke of it.

He sighed and Mary smiled at him. Then there was The Other, the bitch, as dark with hatred as Mary Travis was alight with life and hope. Ella's so-called love for the dark gunman was a cruel corrupting influence that had nearly taken them all down. In a way, Mary had given them life as a gift, life in a brotherhood of protection for one small town. But Ella's desire for Larabee brought death. One light lady, one dark woman - he couldn't call her a lady, although he usually had great respect for women. No, he couldn't call Ella, who had killed an innocent and loving woman and child and destroyed Chris Larabee, he couldn't call her a lady. She wasn't even worthy to be called woman, for she was a destroyer.

He wanted to rush into the street, but Buck had taught him better. Speaking of Buck. . . where was he? JD peaked over the barrels, following the bandits' gunfire. There! His eyes widened. "Buck! Behind you!" Close enough to see, too far away to shoot! Goddamnit! He ran anyway, desperate to save his friend.

"You ain't listening to me, are you, God?"

The attackers were everywhere! Like swarms of flies, they were everywhere! Breaking windows, shooting at everything that moved.

Where the hell was JD?

And Josiah?

Before he could look for his missing friends, Buck saw two of the assailants heading for him. Buck clenched his teeth as he dove from his horse, catching one of the attackers by the shoulders. He could have sworn he felt the air move as Ezra went flying at the other one.

'Damn gambler's as bad as JD! Thinks he can fly!'

Buck slugged the one nearest him. "Where's JD and Josiah?"

"I. . .," Ezra lashed out with his foot, "have no idea, Mr. Wilmington!" One last punch sent his attacker down. Just as he turned his attention to the newspaper office where the center of the altercation appeared to be, Ezra heard JD's yell.

"Buck! Behind you!"

The warning came almost too late.

Buck whirled, bringing his arms up, hissing as the knife slashed through skin and muscle. His attacker raised the blade again, aiming for his heart.

Hearing the call, Ezra immediately whipped around, triggering his sleeve gun as he moved. Upon seeing Buck under attack by knife, Ezra did not hesitate to finish the attacker by gun. One shot was all that was required.

Buck grinned through the pain. He had never been so glad to see the conman in all of his life. "Thanks, pard."

"Any time, Mr. Wilmington. Any time." Ezra touched his two fingers to his hat brim in the salute that was particularly his and once again turned towards the Clarion's offices. He identified Chris and Vin but didn't immediately see Nathan, JD or Josiah. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a glint of metal just as he heard the sound of a gun shot.

JD sagged against a post in relief. Thank God for Ezra!


The tracker dispatched his current attacker with ease, then glanced up. What he saw chilled him to the bone. 'Shit!' He'd never run so fast.

He saw her.

In the midst of the violent chaos, he'd spotted her.

Nathan glanced up, then he ran faster than he had ever run in his life. Launching himself at JD, he prayed that he wasn't too late. He knew he wasn't when he felt the bullet embed itself in his shoulder. He gritted his teeth against the pain.

Pain exploded in his side as a heavy body slammed into his. JD rolled, untangling himself, then raising his gun. He stopped cold when he realized who it was. "Nathan?" Then he saw the red stain that was growing on Nathan's shirt. He immediately tore his shirt sleeve off, pressing it against Nathan's shoulder. "What the hell was that?"

Nathan's teeth were still clenched as he spoke. "Some jackass was about to shoot ya in the back." 'Lord, if we lost JD, Buck wouldn't be far behind and that just 'bout kill Chris. I had no choice but to git him fore he got JD.'

JD smiled his thanks even as he tightened the makeshift bandage on the healer's shoulder. He thought it funny, him, doctorin' the doctor. When he said so, Nathan laughed. JD grinned. Even in the midst of battle, they could laugh. It didn't get any better than this!

"Mary, prop me up against the window," Josiah ordered, even as he grunted in pain.

Mary only spared him a glance before once again tightening the bandage on his left arm. "Why? Josiah, you're not in any condition to help them right now."

Josiah glared at her. "I can't just sit here! I can't even see what's going on out there!"

Mary sighed, then nodded. Long seconds later, Josiah was in a safe vantage spot.

He nodded his thanks, his face grim. "You best get back to your boy."

She nodded and squeezed his arm in thanks. Gaining her feet, she quickly made it to the door. Pausing to determine the best route, her eyes widened in surprise as they fell on a form slipping into the alley across the street. "You."

The hissed word made Josiah's eyebrows jerk up in surprise. Then, before he could say a word, Mary was off like a shot - JD's gun in hand.

He could only watch as the battle continued to rage outside his window. He hefted his gun, bracing it against the window frame. It wasn't his gun hand, but it would do.

Now more than ever.

Two men were creeping up behind JD and Nathan.

He didn't have time to stop both.

'Oh, Lord,' he prayed silently. 'Help an old man to protect your children.'

Buck raised his head, glancing towards JD's direction. His eyes widened in alarm. But before he could utter a warning, Nathan was there, tackling JD out of harm's way.

"Guess I was wrong. Thank you, God!"

From where he was, he could only tell that they were both alive. He sighed in relief. That was good enough for him. Buck glanced at Standish. Following the gambler's line of sight, Buck tensed when he saw what he was aiming at.

"Ezra, no!"

But it was too late, Ezra had already fired.

From where he was, Buck had seen Josiah behind the glint of gunmetal. He sighed in relief when he heard Josiah's disgruntled voice.

"Jesus, Ezra! Tryin' to kill me, son?"

Trotting up to the window, Ezra stared at the would-be killer he had just downed to make sure he was dead. Assured that the outlaw no longer posed a threat, he looked back at the Josiah. "Mr. Sanchez, my apologies."

"Never mind!" Josiah pointed with the muzzle of his gun.

Ezra looked and immediately saw what had Josiah so concerned. He indicated with his own gun which of the two outlaws should be handled by Josiah and which by himself. With a last, "And I am not your son," thrown over his shoulder, the conman went to the aid of his beleaguered colleagues. The dropping of two bodies made the southerner smile.

JD and Nathan spun at the body landing at their feet.

Another followed a second later.

JD jumped as the body fell next to him. He snapped his gun up, only to find Ezra on the other end of it. His eyes widened when he realized that Ezra and Josiah had taken out two more. With a smile and a nod of thanks, he turned back to Nathan. It really was nice to have friends like these.

Nathan looked at the bodies, then at JD. Shaking his head, he thought, 'Thank the Lord for brothers with good aim.'

They smiled and nodded their thanks to the gambler and preacher.

Josiah knew that if he lived through this little dust-up, he'd ache like an old man come morning. He glanced over at the gambler. Man had been shooting with the best of them and not a hair was out of place. He looked more like an illustration from Godey's than a ten cent novel's hero and Josiah's heart warmed.

"Thanks, son," he muttered and grinned when he heard their gambler say, "I am still not your son, Mr. Sanchez."

Ezra's smile disappeared the moment he turned his attention back to Chris and Vin. For the first time he identified the female Chris was addressing. "What wind of Satan returned that bedlamite to our town?" Knowing that there was nothing he could do to aid Chris at this point, Ezra concentrated on making sure that his leader's back was covered -- by covering Vin's back.

For a minute he could do nothing but stare at her in mute astonishment. After so long, there she was; the person responsible for changing the course of his life with a spark of a match. She looked exactly as she did the last time they had encountered each other, when she had proudly told him what she had done in the name of her insane love for him. Even now, he still had trouble believing any of it could be possible, that a woman's love could have twisted her sanity enough to make her believe the murder of a mother and child was a necessary sacrifice to acquire him.

A kaleidoscope of images, ranging from his youth with Ella to the life he shared with Sarah and Adam followed with the noise of fire and the scream of a child burning alive, cascaded through Chris' mind. Snapping out of his immobility, time, which had crawled until now, started moving again. With a rage he did not think possible even after all that had transpired
because of this woman and further intensified by everything she had put Mary and Billy
through, Chris opened his mouth and screamed her name like a wolf howling at the moon.

"Ella!" Chris roared the word over the gunfire.

The brunette froze. Then turned.

Chris stood behind her, pistol aimed at her heart, ready to shoot, ready to split her black heart open because she deserved nothing less. She was not going to escape him, not this time, not ever again. She had already taken one family he loved away from him, he was never giving her the chance to do it again.

"Chris," she said one hand out in front of her, trying to appease. "I only did it for you. Everything was for you!"

"No." He shook his head, his eyes almost black from hatred as he answered coldly. "You did it for a lot of reasons Ella but it was never about me. What you think you know about me isn't real! It's some goddamn fantasy cooked up by your insane mind! Do you seriously look in the mirror and think that I could love something like you? You're not fit to be loved Ella. You're fit to be put out of your misery the way you'd shoot a rabid dog!" He was vicious but intentionally so, if it was possible to make her suffer even for a second, then he would take the opportunity because nothing he did to her could possibly compare to what she had done to him when she murdered his wife and child.

"But, I did it so we could be together! Don't you want us to be together?"

His smile was colder than ice. "I'd rather put a bullet in my head before I ever lower myself to you. Face it Ella, the reason I never married you is because you're nothing but a whore and I'm too good for you." He made that last remark with a little smile and cocked his gun, perfectly happy to kill her with those words being her last memory.

Her eyes slid past him.

A sound behind him.

Chris spun.

With her skirts lifted well above the height of propriety, Mary ran faster than ever before. But Ella was here and she was the one behind the attack on her son. Mary skidded to a stop.

Chris stood in the alleyway, his gun aimed at Ella's worthless heart.

Breathing hard, Mary watched as he prepared to end the threat to their lives once and for all. She knew she should do something to stop Chris. He was going to gun down a person in cold blood and she could be made to testify against him. He could hang for it. Could she live with the guilt of being responsible for his death? Still....

What if she did try to stop him? What if Ella got away again? Could she live with the knowledge that she let Ella get away - again? What if Ella did escape and managed to get to Billy? Would Mary do anything less than Chris was about to do in that circumstance?

And it wasn't like Ella was unarmed. She could shoot Chris at any moment. Holding her breath, Mary flinched at the sound of Chris cocking his gun. Stilling the cascade of questions running in her mind, she waited for the blast of the gun.

But he didn't fire at her. Instead, he spun away from her.

Shocked, Mary began to follow Chris' gesture when movement in her peripheral vision caused her to stop.

Ella lifted her gun.

Mary didn't think - she fired.

Vin froze as he saw Chris close in on his family's killer. And as always, the tracker followed closely in the gunslinger's shadow to watch his friend's back. He held back a moment when he saw Chris confront Ella. Watching the two of them, he wondered what Chris would do. Chris had once loved this woman. How had her love for Chris twisted her into the creature
she now was? Vin most of all appreciated what the emotion could drive a person to do but for Ella the line between passion and obsession had become unimaginably terrifying.

Neither Chris nor Ella were aware of his presence while they spoke. He was almost tempted to try to hear the harsh words Chris was obviously saying since the man's body language was a mixture of attack and fury. Once again, Vin was glad that he had never been unfortunate enough to incur Chris' wrath. It was like tempting the devil to come get you. He shifted his steely gaze away from Chris to Ella because she was indeed the one to watch.
She was a beast of facets, with each ray of light aimed upon her darkened soul producing a new danger, a new aspect they had not previously anticipated. At the moment she appeared to be the fly caught in the web but with every fiber of his being, Vin knew Ella would turn the tables on Chris at the first opportunity.

That opportunity came as expected with a momentary distraction that took Chris' attention away from her. Suddenly, she had a gun in her hand. Vin sucked in his breath, raised his gun to take aim and told himself that this was going to be one shot he would not miss. He had promised Chris that he would find her but the promise he made to himself was far more final.

And he always kept his promises.

Three shots echoed.

Jeb fell to the earth, dead by Larabee's bullet.

Ella also fell. The wound in her arm didn't bleed much because the bullet in her heart had stopped all blood flow.

Vin and Mary stood by Chris' side. The others slowly gathered around Ella's body.

"It's finally over," Buck announced quietly.

Chris said nothing. He stared at Ella lying dead at his feet and wanted to feel relieved at that fact but he could not. When Jeb had come up behind him, he had little choice but to turn his back on her, cursing himself a fool as soon as he done it because obviously she would be armed. A woman like Ella was like a coiled serpent, she would never be anywhere
defenseless. He had turned around and dispatched Jeb allowing Vin the opportunity to save his life and kill Ella for him. He should have been grateful for that but he was not.

A part of him wanted to finish her off himself, while another questioned the morality of shooting a woman. 'For the last time Larabee,' Chris told himself, 'that was not a woman.' She might have been one once but the creature who had paid Fowler to murder his family, who had been prepared to kill his best friends in the world and threaten the life of the one woman who could make his anguish go away, was certainly not a woman. He had
trouble even conceiving Ella as human. He watched her blood soak into the dirt, not convinced that she had suffered enough. He wanted to make her scream and beg for her life as she had made him wish to destroy his own following Sarah and Adam's demise.

He hated himself for being angry with Vin for robbing him of the opportunity to make Ella suffer but he could not help it. He stared at the tracker momentarily, drawing an expression of puzzlement from Vin who could not understand why he was being treated to a harsh glare from his friend when the one who was rightfully deserving it was dead on the ground before
them. Chris got a hollow feeling in his stomach when he realized that Vin had noticed his gaze; yet, he could do nothing more right now than walk away.

Vin stared at him in confusion, trying to understand what he had done. Chris was angry at him and a part of him felt outraged at that. He had killed Ella for Chris. Why would that make the gunslinger so angry with him? It came to him like a splash of cold water over his face and when his eyes met Chris', the light of understanding filtered into his mind explaining
everything. The answer shook him inwardly. It was damage that he had no idea how to fix. When he was aiming at Ella, preparing to kill her, he had thought of everything that she had done to the man he called his best friend and felt no doubts as to what he was about to do. She deserved to die and he did not mind pulling the trigger.

It had never occurred to him that Chris might wish to do the deed himself.

In retrospect, he supposed Chris could be no other way. After all, it was Chris' life that Ella destroyed by taking Sarah and Adam away from him in a symphony of fire that not only burned away his heart but left his soul a scarred husk. Why wouldn't Chris want to take out his vengeance upon the woman who had caused him so much grief, not only by the murder of his family but also by her mischief upon the new one he could possibly have in Mary and

Billy? Vin felt mortified by his ignorance; yet, he knew that if he had held back, Ella would have killed Chris.

That still did not change the fact that he had robbed Chris of his revenge and for the life of him, Vin Tanner did not know what to do about that.

Watching the silent interplay between the two men, Mary's stomach lurched. Had Ella finally succeed in death to do what she couldn't while she was alive? Had she again destroyed something dear to Chris - his relationship with Vin? Torn as to whether she should stay with Chris or follow Vin, Mary watched as the realization of what he had just done crept onto Chris' face.

He was letting Ella win.

Vin and Mary stood by Chris' side. The others slowly gathered around Ella's body.

As Nathan looked down, he was reminded of the day Chris saved his life. Now he had the chance to thank him properly. Even though Nathan hated the thought of touching evil, he bent down to feel her pulse. Without any doubts, he declared her dead.

No more could she hurt any of his family. Chris was finally free of the nightmares.

Or was he?

Only time would tell.

Nathan hoped his pronouncement gave Chris what he needed to live again.

Standing there, looking at the bitch's body, Buck knew he felt better.

'But I ain't the one whose wife and son she killed, am I?*' He quietly studied his oldest friend. 'And he don't look too happy.'

Chris' face was a harsh mask. It didn't reflect the relief Chris should have felt. It was as if Chris hadn't wanted Ella to die.

Buck frowned. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe Chris did care about her. Maybe a little. They did spend a lot of time together. Maybe that's why Chris didn't kill her the first time around.

'No. No way in hell! The lyin' bitch killed Adam and Sarah. Damn neared killed three of our friends. Had Mary kidnapped so many damn time. . . there was no way in hell Chris could still care for the murdering bitch after all that!'

'Uh oh, never mind.' He watched Chris glare at Vin. 'Looks like ol' Chris is pissed at Vin for doing the honors.' Buck shook his head. 'Stubborn fool.' Chris just couldn't leave well enough alone, could he? As far as Buck was concerned, dead was dead. It didn't matter to him who killed her. All he knew was that the one responsible for the deaths of his surrogate family and his friend's tormentor was gone.

Chris wasn't like him though. He would want to do it himself. He would have drawn it out. Made her beg for mercy before finally killing her.

Buck's frown deepened. But in getting his revenge that way, Chris would lose what soul he had left. Buck turned to glare at Larabee. 'You know what, you stubborn ass? I'm glad Vin killed her. Because killin' her that way would have made you lose your soul. It's better this way, my friend.'

He glanced at Vin, silently thanking both God and Vin.

Vin for killing Ella and saving Chris.

And God for sending them Vin.

As Buck let JD usher him to the clinic, he hoped that the bitch's death wouldn't come between his two friends.

He glanced at the blonde head near Chris.

Or between Chris and Mary.

"It's finally over."

JD heard Buck's words, but still couldn't quite believe it. This was the woman who had been causing so much grief and anger these past months? This was the woman behind he and the others being taken to the Salt Flats? All that pain, all that grief, all that trouble because of her?

And now she was dead?

He still didn't believe it.

And what's more, he couldn't believe it wasn't Chris who killed her!

After all that she had done, Chris still wasn't the one to kill her!

JD shook his head. Then glanced at the one who did kill her. The one who finally ended the reign of terror Ella Gaines had wrought over their lives – Vin.

Vin looked like he was in pain.

JD frowned. Then stared at Chris. 'Chris is mad at Vin? Why the hell is Chris mad at Vin?' JD glanced at Buck, not understanding why Chris was angry with his best friend. After all, Vin did what had to be done. He glanced at Buck again, hoping for an explanation, but the question died on his lips.

"Buck! You're hurt!" He didn't give his friend any time to protest, he simply dragged Buck towards the clinic.

JD glanced back one more time.

He didn't know why Chris was mad at Vin, but he knew they would work it out.

He just knew it.


Damn, it's been one helluva of a year!

First, Chris damn near took a year off my life by pretendin' to run for mayor! That boy's got a mean streak in him a river wide. And Miz Travis didn't help none either. They're a perfect match, I tell you!

Then that whole mess with Nathan! Lordy, never been so mad in my life! The nerve of those townspeople. . .. sidin' against Nathan like that! After all that he's done for them! Protectin' 'em, doctorin' 'em. . ..sometimes not even takin' a penny for his skills. Thank God, for people like Miz Nettie. She and her niece stood up somethin' fierce for us. It's good havin' friends like that.

Then Louisa came back. I swear, she better be glad my mama taught me to never hit a lady. . .though, some might argue whether she was a lady or not. Like Miz Travis. She never did like Louisa. Guess now I know why. Mama always did say women's intuition was on the money. It's too bad, you know? I really thought we could have made a life together. But like my mama always said, 'Some things ain't meant to be, baby.'

Sometimes I think mama might be the only lady I'll ever really love.

Well, hello Inez!

Damn, one of these days, that girl's gonna give in. Mark my words! But any way, then some crazy bitch starts after Miz Travis. Never saw Chris and her so rattled. It's one thing to have some crazy try to kill you, but to try to be you? That's just damn strange! But, at least that's one less problem we have to worry 'bout.

Ezra's still a little red around the edges, but Nate says he's healing fine. And, 'course, JD's been up and about like he ain't never had a lick of trouble in his whole life. But then again, Casey's been giving him some hell over that little gypsy girl, Danella. Poor kid. If it ain't one
thing, it's another with them two!

But even after the whole Flats adventure, we're doing all right. Escortin' a wagon train, dealin' with some rowdy cowpunchers. Ain't so bad at all.

Then the shit really hits.

If I had known that Ella was gonna be so much trouble, I would've put a bullet in her myself. But then again, if he hadn't met her, the seven wouldn't have gotten together. Helluva of a dilemma!

Well, at least Vin finally stopped her. I've never been so grateful to anyone before. . .well, except for maybe that time Chris saved my ass from Betty Lou's daddy back when we just met. Yeah, that's gotta rank right up there.

Anyhow, I hope next year is quieter. Don't think my ol' heart could take much more.

Yeah, next year's gotta be quieter.

Why do I get the feeling that ain't happening?

The End

Thanks for reading the Four Corner Chronicles this season. Don't forget to drop the writers a note at peacekeeperproductions@yahoo.com to let them know you appreciate all their work!

See ya'll next year.