By: Pat Merritt, Marian, Dina, KRH, The Scribe, and Lady Angel

Edited by: KRH and Dina

This episode is the culmination of six different authors working together to create a cohesive story. Now, we don't know if this experiment worked too well, so we'd love your feedback on it!

Here's what we did: I, Lady Angel, wrote a skeletal storyline. I'm talking bare basics here. Mr. X walked in, Mr. X gets killed, etc. Then I sent it to the other authors.

Their job was to take a character and expand on their emotions and actions in the storyline. Then our editor, KRH, proceeded to weave all of the different stories into one large story. This is the result.

And in case you're wondering who wrote what, here's the list:
Pat Merritt - Josiah
Marian - Nathan
Dina - Ezra
KRH - Mary
The Scribe - Chris and Vin
Lady Angel - Buck and JD

And please remember, we really want to know what you thought of this experimental episode, so please email us! Thank you!