By: Eileen Scout

Editors: Dina, Monica, and Lady Angel

Guest Starring:
Edward James Olmos as Don Alejandro de Madera
Kristen Dalton as Louisa Perkins

A special note of thanks to my betas: Dina, Monica, and Angel. Thanks for your hard work in making me look good. Also, again to Angel and Linda for their ongoing support during the writing of my first fanfic. Enjoy!

Gazing out of the window, he couldn't help but notice how cold and crisp the night air had grown. Except for a few clouds scattering about, the sky resembled a clear and dark crystal that demanded his attention. Looking up into the sky, his eyes began to focus on the unseen until in a moment of clarity his eyes relaxed and a grin formed on his face. Letting out a breath he had unknowingly held, he took a sip of his brandy. "It's time. Yes, it is finally time," and his lips turned up in an evil grin.

"Hey, Ezra 'n Josiah - wait up!" an excited JD yelled across the street as he jogged to catch his friends. Hearing JD's exuberant call, both men looked up and smiled. When JD caught up to them, Josiah raised his arm and slapped JD on the back while Ezra asked, "May we be of some assistance to you, Mr. Dunne?"

JD's head popped up, and with a boyish grin, he responded, "Yeah, you know we gotta find a gift for Casey."

With a tilt of his head towards his young friend Ezra remembered. "Ah, yes, the charming Miss Wells." Glancing at Josiah, Ezra finished, "The day the fates allowed the lovely Miss Wells to grace this world is fast approaching."

As he nodded his head, Josiah brushed some dust off his sleeve, then looked down at JD. "Her birthday, huh."

With a smile larger than the territory, JD replied, "Yeah. I wanna get her something special."

"And so we shall, my young friend." Ezra clamped his hand on the youngster's shoulder as they started to walk towards the tavern.

As Josiah's memory jogged back in time, a similar situation played out in his mind. Grinning, he shook his head and asked, "Hey, JD - have you gotten her that frog digger yet?"

Ezra was about to respond when he shifted his attention to the arriving stagecoach. While Josiah and JD went into the saloon, Ezra faded into the background.

Buck Wilmington ran out just as the stage rolled to a full stop. He couldn't wait to see Louisa again. Being separated for a month was longer than Buck liked, but he understood she had to wrap up some business dealings. Buck's mind took him back to the day in the saloon when she spoke out against statehood. Boy, had his life changed; sometimes he still couldn't believe he was getting married.

Snapping back to reality, Buck grinned from ear to ear, as 's mind when his eyes met the eyes of his beloved. As she disembarked the coach, Louisa zeroed in on Buck and ran into his open arms. Paying no attention to their surroundings, the two caught each other in a passionate embrace that was followed by an equally passionate kiss.

Smiling Louisa looked up into Buck's eyes. "Well, now, darlin', if that's how your gonna greet me I should go away more often."

With a suggestive gleam in his eye, Buck's softly responded, "We're not through yet."

She lifted her right arm and stretched it around his waist, as she whispered in his ear and invited him to her room. Leaning down, Buck grabbed Louisa's bag and they started down the boardwalk.

Louisa let out a breath and looked at Buck. "Honey, I'll meet you at the hotel. I want to check on Amber."

"No problem. I've been takin' good care of that horse of yours." With a wiggle of his brows, Buck finished, " We'll meet up in your room." As they went off in their different paths, a lone man watched.

"Now, I know I've taught you better manners than this!"

An irate female voice rang out, bringing Ezra out of his thoughts. Turning, he came face to face with Maude. 'Lord, help me through this,' Ezra silently pleaded. "Mother, what a pleasant surprise." He walked over and kissed her cheek. While their faces were inches apart, he sternly demanded, "What are you doing here?"

With a smile, Maude focused on Ezra and placed her gloved hand on his cheek. "I am here to help my darlin' boy. Besides, you know how I love a good con."

Looking upward, Ezra sighed. "Well, let's get you settled at the hotel and you can update me on the latest."

As they turned to leave, Maude said over her shoulder, "Don't forget my bags," and she continued to the hotel. Ezra looked down to see six cases. He lifted his head and his eyes roamed over the town, while a frown formed on his face.

Vin left the saloon and spotted Ezra. "Your mom in town?"

Ezra looked at this friend. "The evidence does seem to indicate your conclusion."

Vin leaned to pick up three of the bags. "I'll help. We goin' to the hotel?"

For a moment, Ezra looked surprised by the offer, then said, "Mr. Tanner, your assistance is truly appreciated. Follow me."

Climbing the stairs to Maude's room, the two men felt as if they were carrying bricks. As they entered the room, Maude was taking her hat off.

"Howdy, ma'am." Vin set the luggage by the bed.

Maude's eyes traveled up and down the bounty hunter. "Mr. Tanner, thank you so much. How have you been? "

"Fine ma'am. Best be leavin'. I was on my way to a meeting. See ya later." He turned and with a nod of his head to Ezra, he was out the door.

Ezra's lean, well defined legs carried him to the door which he promptly closed. Turning to his mother, he said, "Now, enlighten me with the information you've stumbled upon."

"As I stated in my wire, you and your friends are in trouble. Surely you remembered the code that we agreed to use when one of us was in trouble?" Maude asked accusingly.

As Ezra straightened his stance, he struggled to focus. 'Why on earth did she have to come to town?' he thought. "Mother, I surmised that much from your wire. I want the specifics - now."

"Oh, very well, but I really don't know much more than I've already written. I was in Denver for a new business venture. Oh, that reminds me, we do need to talk about Denver; it's a great opportunity. Anyway, it was a brilliant night and I decided to go for a walk when I stumbled across a meeting. Hmmm, yes - there were three men. Anyway, my interest was piqued when they mentioned Four Corners. Now keep in mind, I only heard pieces. From what I could make out someone recently infiltrated your group, probably for revenge. The three men were hired to get one of you out of town."

As she finished, Ezra shifted his stance as his mind searched for any kind of confirmation. "So, that's it. Not much to go on." Ezra walked over to the window and stared at the town below, concerned about his companions.

'What a warm day this is,' Mary silently observed as she sat going through papers at her desk. Suddenly, an item caught her attention. She hurriedly arranged the papers in a pile. As she stood, she heard someone enter and looked up, somewhat frazzled. "Vin, what br¼ your reading lesson. I'm sorry, I'll be right with you." Placing her papers to the side, she grabbed her book on Poe.

Vin noticed how out of sorts Mary was. "Something wrong, ma'am?"

Mary realized she was behaving oddly. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Vin. "I'm fine, I was just thinking about a possible lead for a story and you know how I am with those. Anything news worthy happening in town today?" Mary asked, as she came out from her desk and led Vin into the living area.

As Vin sat at the table, he responded, "Seems quiet. Could be in for some bumps. Maude's back."

Mary looked up. "Ezra's mother? In town - now?"

'Ok, something is up.' Vin looked into Mary's eyes searching for some sort of confirmation. "Yes, ma'am."

Mary tried to determine when she would be able to see Maude, but gave up the effort when he realized that Vin was waiting for her. Smiling at the tracker, Mary realized that she thoroughly enjoyed her time with Vin, "Let's start on 'The Bells.' I know that you love Poe."

Vin opened the book to begin his lesson, excited to once again to find that he was able to understand the words before his eyes.

It seemed like an eternity passed as Ezra spoke with his mother. 'Why can't she understand that I don't want her involved because of the possible danger.'

'Why is he throwing up so many obstacles?' Exasperated, Maude peered at her son. "Ezra, darling, for some unknown reason, you have attached yourself to this town and the people in it. As much as I don't agree with it, I've never seen you happier. If something is interfering with your happiness, I will like to help you resolve the situation." Before Ezra could reply, a knock was heard at the door.

Ezra turned and opened the door to another determined woman, Mary Travis.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." Mary looked at Maude. "I heard you were in town and had to come and say hello."

Maude warmly greeted the widow, while at the same time feeling a bit out of her realm. 'What is this - this feeling I have?' she thought. Out loud, she merely said, "Mary, how have you been?"

"Fine, thank you." Turning to Ezra, Mary smiled and continued, "However, I have new information concerning our inquiries."

Ezra raised his arm to the nearest chair and summoned Mary to sit. Focusing his attention on her, he encouraged her. "Please explain."

Lifting her head, Mary began, "I've received feedback from the inquiries I sent out. Seems your suspicions have some merit."

At that point, Maude looked at Ezra and said, "So you know what this is about."

Ezra looked from his mother to Mary, and as much as he hated to admit it, realized that he would need their combined effort to uncover the truth. "Yes. The main clue to this enigma is a person infiltrating our ranks. Looking at that scenario, only one person has accomplished that somewhat recently."

Maude queried, "Who?"

Ezra's and Mary's eyes met and they said simultaneously, "Louisa Perkins."

About the same time that Mary had set out to find Maude and Ezra, Vin rode out to Chris' house. As he rode up, he saw Chris chopping wood. "Howdy, partner," Vin said.

Looking up Chris furrowed his brows and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "What brings you here? Nathan's not due back for over a week; he went to get some time with Rain. Thought you were gonna take up the extra patrol " Chris asked.

Vin dismounted and simply replied, "Thought you would want to come back a little early."

Chris casually leaned against the post of his house. "Why?"

Dutifully, Vin answered, "A feelin'. Something's brewin', cowboy. Maude's in town and Mary seemed a little distracted during our lesson today."

With the mention of Mary's name, Chris focused more on what Vin was saying and began to seriously think about going back to town early. "Yeah, maybe I will head to town. Maude being here ain't good."

As Chris turned and walked toward his home to tidy up, Vin followed. Upon entering, Vin headed to the kitchen table as Chris headed to the bedroom. Chris peeled off his shirt from his drenched skin and began to run the sponge over his rippled chest. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, Vin's words about Mary replay. 'Won't hurt if I check on her myself. Maybe, I'll ask her for dinner together.'

"Who is Louisa Perkins?" Maude asked.

"You surprise me, Mother. You are usually much more observant."

Maude tilted her head toward her son. "Why should I know this woman?"

Ezra walked toward Mary. "Because she accompanied you on your journey to our fair town."

Recognition came over Maude's face. "The red head. Yes, we spoke briefly; she said she was engaged."

With a frown, Ezra said, "That's why we need to work expeditiously."

Mary took that opportunity to fill in Ezra and Maude. "More than you know. Louisa Perkins doesn't exist. I mean her history goes back only two years. Nothing can be found past the last twenty six months."

"She could be utilizing an alias, couldn't she?" Maude asked.

Mary glanced at Maude. "It's the only explanation."

After determining which way they should proceed, Ezra spoke up. "She is definitely not what she appears, but we still need to prove that."

"With the help of the others, that shouldn't be a problem," Mary commented.

Upon hearing Mary's words, Ezra determinedly said, "NO. We need to gather the facts first and be absolutely sure. If we're correct, Mr. Wilmington will suffer. If there is a mistake, I want to spare him that. Mary, none of the others must know, at least, not yet. Is this acceptable to you?"

Mary glanced away from Ezra as her relationship with Chris ran through her mind. Mary admitted to herself and to the others, "I hate to lie to Chris."

Maude interjected with an explanation. "Oh, honey, omission isn't lying. You have nothing to worry about."

Out of the corner of her eye, Mary looked up at Maude and shook her head. "That's a matter of interpretation." Turning back to Ezra, she continued "Ezra, I do trust you. For now, we'll keep it between ourselves. But how do you plan to uncover the truth?"

With that famous dimpled smile showing that sparkling gold tooth, Ezra explained, "My dear ladies, at dinner we'll discuss the game. Will that be acceptable?"

Both women looked at each other and then turned back to Ezra. Together they replied, "What a lovely invitation."

Mary continued, "Why don't you come over to my house for dinner? Chris is out of town for a few days and it will provide the privacy we'll need for the discussion. How is 5:00?"

Maude said, "What a lovely idea."

Ezra simply smiled and said, "With that ladies, I will be on my way."

"Umm, ummm, you do know your way around the bed, darlin'," Buck said as he yawned.

Louisa cuddled up to his neck. "Glad I could oblige."

Buck rolled onto his side. "How was your reunion with Amber? Did I take care of that horse of yours, OK?"

Giggling Louisa looked up. "She did survive, but she looked a little funny in the eyes. Seriously, thank you. I've only had her for two years. She is the most gentle animal." After a few moments of quiet, Louisa grew more serious, "Buck, what do you think of pushing our wedding up?"

"To when?"

Louisa grew hopeful. "What about two days?"

Buck looked down at her. "As much as I'd love to darlin', you know we can't do that. I'd like all my friends there and Nathan's not due back for another week."

Disappointed Louisa remarked, "I forgot. What about next week then?"

Buck grinned and kissed her hard and deep. "Let's do it!" he yelled as the sheet went over their heads.

Sitting outside the jail with JD, Josiah rested his head on the building for a moment. But before long he found himself in his dream world. Josiah stretched out his back, as he seemed to open his eyes for the first time and sees a desert. 'Whew - the air is as heavy as a lead weight,' Josiah thought. As he took a few strides, his legs grew heavy; it seemed like the longest strides of his life. To his left he heard a noise and turned his attention there, only to see a black hawk hovering and squawking like a demon, a woman's face started to appear. As her features came into focus, he felt himself himself slipping away.

Momentarily forgetting that Josiah was asleep next to him, JD, more agitated than normal, let out a loud growl.

Startled out of a deep sleep Josiah lost his balance and fell from the chair, breaking the post. JD looked shell shocked.

"What happened?" Josiah asked the now laughing boy.

Grabbing his stomach, JD started to apologize, though he was laughing so hard, he could barely speak. "Sorry. Was trying to write some gift ideas for Casey and got a little upset. Forgot you were sleeping. You OK?"

As Josiah got up and swatted the dirt off of himself, he looked up and replied, "Yeah." With a feeling of uneasiness, Josiah remembered the woman's face in his dream and turned to look at the town. "JD, if anyone needs me, I'll be at the church," Josiah announced. His stomach felt hollow as he walked away. The image of the woman's face never left his memory. 'This can't be good.'

Thirty minutes later JD sat, still trying to make out that list. With a frown, he thought, "This darn list. Ezra said it would help - what an idea! Write out items that she would like and all I get is everything I can't afford. Where is Ezra anyway? Her birthday is in three days." He was so lost in thought that he 't didn't even see Ezra approach.

"Hello, Mr. Dunne. How is our list coming?"

JD looked at him out of the corner of his eyes. "Nowhere."

Licking his full lips, Ezra decided he was thirsty, so he turned to JD and said, "Let's discuss it over a drink; my treat." Ezra extended his arm towards the saloon. "After you, my young friend."

Meanwhile over at the Clarion, Mary was entertaining Inez. Although at the moment Inez was actually entertaining Mary. Trying to hold back a smile, Mary listened as Inez continued, "I don't believe that cow is back in town. Senor Wilmington could do much better than that, that . . . . well, I'm just too much of a lady for that language."

Wiping the same spot on the table for the hundredth time, Inez remembered the reunion just outside of the saloon. Inez hadn't meant to watch, but she had just frozen, getting more sicker by the second as she watched them kiss. "Marriage. Who figured Buck for the marrying kind? And to that. . . ."

"Cow," Mary offered.

Inez's head shot up and she pointed a finger in Mary's direction. "Yes, exactly. That cow!"

After a few minutes, when she was sure that Inez had finally taken a breather, Mary began. "Inez, why don't you like Louisa?"

The question took Inez by surprise and she 't didn't answer automatically. Inez searched for the right words. "Miss Louisa Perkins just isn't who she seems. Mary, there is something about that woman; I just can't put my finger on it."

Just at that moment Louisa entered the store. "Mrs. Travis, are you in here?"

Hearing that voice, Mary and Inez exchanged glances. Inez ever so gently took Mary's hand and with a smile as sweet as sugar, questioned her friend, "What IS that COW doing here?"

Mary offered a sympathetic look to Inez and turned toward the shop door. "I'm in here, Louisa." Following the owner's voice, Louisa walked through Mary's home, and the three women come face to face.

Louisa looked at the others. "Oh marvelous, you're both together. Now I can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak."

"Louisa, what do you want?" Mary inquired.

Louisa continued to smile. "Knowing you're friends of Buck," Louisa hesitated, "and mine, I just couldn't wait to tell you."

Exasperated, Inez said, "Tell us what?"

Louisa announced, "Buck and I moved up our wedding. We'll be married next week. Aren't you ecstatic?" Louisa asked triumphantly.

With a final, little wave, she exited, saying, "See you, then; much to do today. Bye." As she swept out of the room, Louisa passed Maude. For a moment, the two women held each others gaze in an attempt to size up the other.

Maude continued into Mary's home. "Hello - Mary?" As Maude turned the corner, she came face to face with Mary and Inez. Somewhat bewildered by their expressions, Maude commented dryly, "Dears, you really should close you mouths; you never know what is flyin' around in these parts."

Slowly placing herself on the closest chair, Inez asked "Did she really say next week?"

"Yes," Mary practically choked out.

Concerned, Maude asked, "Are you two ladies all right? What's happening next week?"

Inez's eyes shot sparks angrily at Maude . "Next week is when that cow marries Buck."

Mary's hand traveled to her head and she rubbed it as if she had a headache. Absently she commented, "That doesn't leave much time."

Maude caught Mary's eye just as Inez asked, "Time for what?"

Mary smoothly replied, "A wedding present for the witch - or cow, depending on your preference."

The ladies broke out in laughter. When Inez realized the time, she excused herself ."I need to get back to the saloon. Senora Standish, it is good to see you again."

Mary walked Inez out, then returned to Maude. "Maude, I'm sorry. I want to give Ezra the new information. Please make yourself at home; I'll be back shortly."

In the alley between the bank and the general store, two men were talking. "Alegro got word that Alejandro de Madera pushed up the plan. He wants everything in place within two days."

The shorter man, Bob, asked, "We know why the plan is being pushed up?"

Tim replied, "Seems like someone checked on our plant and the Don thinks the cover is about to be blown. He wants to move now." As the men moved toward the hotel, they failed to see the woman standing in the corner.

Inez felt herself shaking. 'Don Alejandro de Madera, Paulo's father. This can't be good. Why would he be involved with this town? Surely he can't blame me or Buck for what happened, but what else would it have to do with?' She shook herself out of her thoughts and continued toward the saloon to get back to work.

"Mr. Dunne, you don't have much of a list for our Miss Wells." Ezra patiently stated the obvious.

Exasperated, JD spit out, "She don't like normal woman stuff. She likes trees, swimming in the lake, animals; things that I like. The one thing that she would love is her very own horse, but I can't afford that."

Ezra's expression softened and he said, "JD, she is a very special lady." After a few moments of thought, Ezra continued, "Does she like poetry?"

JD dropped his head., "NO, not that. Josiah suggested that the last time and it was a disaster."

Thinking about it, Ezra realized a truth about Casey. "JD, Casey is a woman of the heart. If you want to make it special for her, surprise her with a picnic lunch by the lake. Make it her day."

Smiling, JD agreed. "Yeah, I like that. I'm gonna go talk to Nettie, get her help in picking Casey's favorite foods to surprise her."

Pleased with himself, Ezra called out, "Enjoy yourself, Mr. Dunne."

'Well, that's one down. Now what to do about Mr. Wilmington and Miss Perkins; who would she be working for?'

Ezra was brought out of his thoughts when Mary came rushing through the saloon's doors.

"Mr. Standish, I was wondering if I could have a word with you outside?" She asked, emphasizing 'outside'.

Gathering his cards, Ezra stood and escorted Mary out of the saloon. Alone at the end of the boardwalk, Ezra inquired, "What has happened?"

Afraid of anyone overhearing, Mary unconsciously moved closer to him. "Next week." She looked into his eyes and continued, "They moved the wedding date. It's next week. What can we do before then? We have to stop them now. I've never liked that woman and we need to protect Buck."

Ezra moved his hands and grasped Mary's arms in an attempt to calm her. "Mrs. Travis, calm down. The situation is not impossible. However, it does provide a new twist to the ever expanding melodrama." Ezra and Mary were so involved in their conversation that they did not notice the approaching riders.

Chris and Vin had been quiet on the last leg into town. As they approached, the town, they noticed two people standing by the saloon. 'Why the hell are those two so close together?' Larabee glared in the direction of Mary and Ezra.

Sensing his friend's mood swing, Vin glanced at Chris.

Chris was so lost in this thoughts that he didn't even realize that he was now standing in his stirrups, leaning towards the couple. 'Get your fucking hands off of her.'

Finally, the two riders came along side the conversationalists.

"Somethin' wrong, Mary?" Chris asked as he turned and glared at Ezra.

Suddenly both Mary and Ezra realized how close they were and each took a step away from the other. Mary looked at Chris and noticed something in his eyes, but can't place it. "No. I, ah, was just telling Ezra the news. It seems Buck and Louisa have moved their wedding date up; it's next week."

Dismounting, with a nod of approval, Chris said, "Good for them."

Chris walked over to Mary and purposefully placed himself between her and Ezra. "What about dinner tonight?"

Both Vin and Chris noticed Mary's quick look to Ezra. Ezra, being ever so observant, realized her mistake and explained for everyone's benefit. "Gentlemen, my mother is in town and Mrs. Travis has graciously extended a dinner invitation to us. However, it can wait until another more accommodating time."

Chris realized that he had been a horse's ass. He turned to Ezra and said, "Ezra, that's not necessary. However, I'd like to join you, if that's all right with Mary?"

She looked at Chris and smiled. "Of course. Say around 6:00 PM. Now, if you'll excuse me, I left Maude alone in my house. Good day, gentlemen."

Ezra made a mental note that Mary, Maude and he were still on for 5:00.

"On that note, would either of you like to join me in a game of cards?" Ezra began to sit on the bench.

Chris and Vin exchanged glances. "We'll take care of the horses and then we'll meet you."

Ezra sent them off with his famous two fingered salute. As he got comfortable, he took out his deck and began shuffling. However, his relaxation was interrupted as when his eyes rested on Inez. He got up and walked in her direction. "My dear, what is it? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Inez looked at Ezra. "I think I have."

"Can I help?" Ezra offered.

Smiling, Inez looked relieved. "Thank you. Give me some time."

They walked into the saloon together. Just as Ezra was about to sit at the table, he glanced at his watch. "Oh, my, I didn't realize it was so late. I had better head over to Mrs. Travis's house."

"As I was saying, Maude, I would love for you to stay the week and come to Billy's birthday party. He is ecstatic about the party and the fact that all the men will be there," Mary said. With a roll of her eyes she realized, "How much fun is that going to be with the wedding at the same time?"

Maude smiled. "It should be interesting. But if this is over by then, I'd like to get back to Denver. There is a tremendous opportunity for me there."

As if on cue, Ezra walked through the door and took off his hat, saying, "Ladies. "

The trio sat around the table and Ezra began. "Any ideas on about who she could be working for or ideas of how we can find out? Keep in mind that due to the time restraints, we may have to include Mr. Larabee. Hopefully, we'll have more facts before we must do that."

Vin and Chris walked into the saloon to get a drink. As he sat down, Vin remarked, "Guess Ez didn't wanna wait."

"Good. Means I getta hold on to my own cash," Chris said, with a half grin.

Knowing their usual drinks, Inez was already on her way to their table. As she approached, her mind kept playing what she had heard. Both men noticed and became concerned. As Inez set the drinks down, Vin got her attention.

"What's wrong?"

She looked into Vin's eyes and remembered that fateful day when he helped her decide to stay and fight.

Sitting down Inez began her story. "I think there may be trouble."

Chris pulled his chair closer. "How so?"

"Earlier I overheard two men speak of Don Alejandro de Madera. He is Don Paulo's father - you remember?

Recognition came over Chris and Vin.

Vin was the first to speak. "Yeah, not exactly a forgettable time."

Chris was intent on Inez and gently prodded her. "What did you hear?"

Inez looked from Vin to Chris and continued, "They mentioned something of a plan being pushed up to the next two days."

Inez seemed to hesitate so Chris pushed again. "Why are they pushing it up?"

Inez turned to Chris as she remembered. "They said something about someone being checked out or on. They were afraid the cover was blown."

Chris and Vin looked at one another. "Mary."

Vin turned to Inez and said, "Don't worry. We'll take care of it."

With that, Chris and Vin left Inez at the table and headed for Mary's.

From the outside, it appeared that the Travis household was quiet; inside it was another matter. Thankful that Billy was spending the night over a friend's house; Mary found that she had the necessary time to concentrate on the task before her. Ezra interrupted her thoughts as she with his next question.

"Mother, in your casual perusal of the town today, have you uncovered the men you ran into in Denver?"

Looking up at Ezra, Maude replied to her son, "No."

Frustrated by the whole situation, Mary could no longer hold back. She chimed in with, "The only way we would be able to obtain the information is by torturing her. As amusing as that prospect seems it is not plausible. There are hundreds of possibilities in terms of who is in charge. She could be working for anyone. How will we find out?" Finally taking a breath, Mary turned to Ezra. "You should know how many enemies you men make together and on your own."

Walking across the room, Ezra turned back to the women. "That is a problem and we don't have that much time, but it still isn't impossible." With that smile that could charm a snake out of its skin, Ezra continued, "Timing is everything. We just need to change our approach."

"Approach to what?" Three pairs of eyes turned in unison to a tall man dressed in black. His jaw is set firmly in place with that look.

'It appears that answers are due,' Ezra couldn't help but think as he stared at his leader.

Mary walked forward with a smile and was about to greet Chris when she was struck by his manner. Puzzled by the look in his eyes, 'It's that same look from earlier, hmm,' she greeted Chris, "You're early."

Chris's eyes were firmly on Ezra. "Seems everyone is."

Ezra gulped as he watched his leader. 'Why the hell does he keep staring at me like that?'

Vin stepped forward, leaned into Chris and mentioned, "Let's not forget why we're here pard," as he stifled his grin.

Upon that statement Chris realized what he had done. 'Damn, not again. No reason for me to be jealous.' Still facing Ezra, Chris looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Vin trying his best not to grin. Chris sternly looked his way. "Wipe that smirk off or I'll do it for ya."

Playing innocent, Vin remarked, "Hmm - what smirk? I'm here with you to get information, remember?"

Turning back to Mary, Chris asked, "Are you working on anything? We may have trouble."

Mary's eyes grew wide for a second and then she looked down momentarily. 'Does he know? How? Oh, Lord.' But the only thing she could manage to say was, "What kind of trouble?"

Chris's eyes watched her every move. 'I know she is up to something. Of course, Ezra, Maude, and Mary . . . . As Chris thought of the possibilities, he couldn't help but grin.

"We don't have time for this." Chris's voice became stern. Looking at all three, he continued, "Inez overheard some men. Something is going down in two days. Apparently, Don Paulo's father is in town and has arranged for something to happen."

Ezra cleared his throat. "Excuse me, Don Paulo? The man who tried to force Inez back to Mexico?"

Vin answered with, "Yep. That's the man."

Suddenly things started to click in Ezra's mind. 'Of course.' "We have a situation," Ezra announced and all eyes turned to him.

"Buck, let's go for a ride tonight. I want to feel the wind through my hair." Louisa tried to convince her fiancée to join her.

After spending half the day in bed, Buck was glad for the offer. "Sounds great. Need to be back by 10:00 though - for patrol."

Relieved that they would be going out, Louisa snuggled closer to Buck and kissed him. As she pulled back, she exclaimed, "Let's get dressed."

While Buck and Louisa were departing from the hotel, JD made his way to the jail to relieve Josiah. Buck spotted him and called out, "JD! How ya doing?"

Seeing the couple, JD tipped his hat towards Louisa. "Nice to see ya back in town, ma'am."

She could feel the warmth of his sentiment and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, JD."

"Boy, we have news; we're getting married next week," Buck announced to his friend.

JD looked incredulous. "Next week! Why did you push it up so fast?"

Louisa took the opportunity to reply. "We just couldn't wait any longer. I'm finally gonna make an honest man out of Buck." Smiling she grabbed Buck's hand.

"Congratulations! You gonna have enough time for the details?" JD wondered out loud.

Buck placed his hand on JD's shoulder. "Thanks, JD. Louisa has everything under control. You still gonna be my best man, right?"

JD looked up at his best friend. "Wouldn't miss it, Buck."

Interrupting, Louisa mentioned, "We have to be going before it gets too late."

Buck glanced at her and remarked, "Whose schedule you on?"

Returning his look, she took the bait. "Yours. Remember, you're due back at 10:00."

Conceding defeat, Buck bid farewell to JD. "See ya at 10:00." Buck and Louisa continued on their way to the livery to get their horses for the journey out of town.

JD continued his walk to the jail, making a mental list of the items he needed for Casey's birthday celebration. As he walked to the office, he noticed Josiah going through wanted posters. "Hey, Josiah.

The tall man looked up and greeted the boy. "How is everything going?"

JD sat in the chair next to the desk. "OK. Too quiet though."

Stretching his lengthy frame, Josiah remembered JD's dilemma. "Have you found a gift for Casey yet?"

Shaking his head JD replied, "Not really. But Ezra helped me to come up with an idea, which I like a lot and I think Casey will like it, too."

Curious, Josiah couldn't hold back. "What's the idea?"

Smiling, JD explained, "A picnic by the lake doing her favorite things. A day devoted to her."

Josiah had to think about what JD said for a moment, then said, "Yeah, she'll like that." Puzzled by one thing, he continued, "Ezra came up with that? Surprises don't cease."

With that he stood and he bid JD, "Goodnight. I'm gonna go grab some dinner." With a thought, Josiah stopped and looked back at JD. "What are you doing here? Thought it was Vin's shift?"

Yawning, JD replied, "It was, but he and Chris had something to work on, so I'm filling in. See ya tomorrow." As Josiah left, JD settled in for the next few hours.

Chris and Vin took in the information that Mary, Maude and Ezra had revealed. Now as they were sitting around after dinner, they agree that whatever was going to happen would happen be within the next two days. A schedule was created of shifts so everyone could take turns watching Buck.

Chris hoped they were wrong, but knew deep down that Louisa was trouble. Knowing this he gave the order. "All right, everyone get a good night's rest. We're gonna be busy the next couple of days."

Mary looked at Chris and said, "Wait. Shouldn't we tell Buck?"

With lips pursed together, Chris responded, "No, he won't believe it right now."

"Buck, honey, let's rest here." Louisa pointed to a shady spot by the water.

They brought their horses to a stop down by the river and dismounted. Buck pulled a blanket from his saddle and walked toward Louisa. He took her hand and lead her to a quiet setting close to the lake.

After laying out the blanket, they sat down and took in the stars that were now just beginning to show. "This was a great idea, Louisa, honey," Buck commented, as he took in both sights that were before him.

Louisa snuggled closer and they began to kiss.

Buck had no idea how much time passed. He only knew that he loved being alone with Louisa. The two were so involved in their activities that they didn't hear the approach of three men.

Silently, the trio remained hidden and watched until the right time was right. When the moment arrived, as if on cue, they quietly walked forward.

Just as the men were about to announce themselves, Buck flipped Louisa over and went for his gun. However, he was taken by surprised to find his gun gone. Buck was even more surprised to find himself staring down the barrels of three guns. 'Stalemate.' Buck thought.

"Get up slowly," Bob instructed. As Buck got up, he helped Louisa to her feet.

While doing this, Buck's eyes never left the three men. "What do you want?"

With a sickening smile, Alegro explained. "You."

A sliver of fear ran down Buck's spine. His mind is raced through options, but couldn't get past thinking. 'What the hell happened to my gun?'

The answer to that came a moment later when Alegro asked, "Where is his gun?"

Louisa stepped forward. "Alegro, calm down. I told you that I would take care of it. Here."

Buck watched in confusion as Louisa handed his gun over to these men. A mixture of emotions ran through him. Time seemed to be moving in slow motion as Buck worked through what he just saw.

"What are you doing, Louisa?" Buck had to ask. He just couldn't believe that he would be that stupid. She couldn't have been acting this whole time. His heart ached as he attempted to sort through things.

Hearing his request, her heart felt a touch of remorse, but not much. "Sorry darling. It was fun while it lasted. Unfortunately, someone else has plans for you now."

Buck now forced himself to focus on the here and now, and he asked, "Who?"

Acknowledging that she at least owed him that, Louisa answered, "Don Alejandro de Madera."

Raising his eyes, Buck asked the only thing he could think to ask. "Who the hell is that?"

Alegro, who had been silently watching the proceedings, decided this had gone on long enough. They had to get moving. "You'll find out soon enough. Time to go."

Back at the jail, JD looked at his watch. 'Where is he?' the boy wondered. 'Oh, well, Louisa did just get back today. I'll give him tonight.' Knowing that it was going to be a long night, JD settled himself in. Going through the paper he tried to find some way he can could make extra money. 'Really would like to buy Casey the gift she wants.' Gradually the events of the day overtook the young man and his head dropped onto the piles of paper.

After several he began to wake, yawning as he stretched. Placing his arms into position, he pushed himself up and shook his head. As he turned to the window he saw the sun shining through and he forces his eyes started to blink. While stretching, he finally noticed the paper glued to his face from the saliva drooled during the night. 'Buck owes me big time,' he couldn't help but think. Looking at his watch JD now knew that it was a little before 7:00 am. 'Ezra should be here soon to take over.'

No sooner than that thought went through JD's mind, than he saw Ezra walking through the door.

"How are you this fine morning, my young friend?" Ezra asked.

"Ready for a real bed," JD answered, while bending his back forward trying to work out the kinks.

Ezra examined his friend and came to a conclusion. "You slept in the chair, didn't you?"

JD looked up at him. "Yeah."

Laughing, Ezra replied, "Well, that lesson should teach you not to do it again." Realizing that he was supposed to relieve Buck, Ezra turned to JD said, "Where is Mr. Wilmington?"

"Still out with Louisa, I guess."

Ezra didn't like the sound or feel of that. "What do you mean?"

Once JD had filled him in, Ezra instructed him to get Chris, Vin, and Josiah, They were all to meet at the jail house in thirty minutes.

Ezra took the time to look through Buck's and Louisa's rooms. The room was empty. There was no sign that either person had been back during the night. Ezra proceeded to gather the horses and supplies that he and his friends would need. Leaving the livery, he headed back to the jail house for the rendezvous with the others. On his way, he ran into Mary.

"What is going on?" she demanded, her face a mask full of concern.

"They are gone. We'll need to track them," Ezra honestly answered.

Mary's face twisted in array of emotions, concern and then finally determination won out. "it is sooner than we expected," she simply stated.

Ezra could only agree. "We'll find them." He walked off toward the jail house.

Chris, Vin, Josiah and JD were waiting. "What's happened?" Chris asked, knowing that there was only one reason for this.

Ezra quickly explained. Fifteen minutes later, they were ready to go.

Upon entering the livery, they came face to face with Mary Travis standing by her horse. "Good morning, gentlemen."

Chris looked at her as the others went to mounted their horses. "You're not coming with us."

Standing and sitting firmly Mary didn't give in. Mounting, she said, "Yes, I am. Your numbers are now down by two. Both Nathan and Buck are gone. You need me - I can help. Besides Louisa and I have unfinished business."

Vin cut in. "We don't have time for this. They are hours ahead if us. We need to start tracking."

Thinking the same thing, Chris mounted his steed. "OK, everyone move out. Vin, you lead. Mary, you stay between Ezra and Josiah. After one more breath, Chris said, "Let's ride!"

Buck woke up in a room slowly. Still groggy, he tried to make out his surroundings. The more he awake he became, the more the memories came back and the angrier he became. He began to look around. He was in a room; with only one window, and it had bars. The room had one door, a single bed and one chair - nothing else. 'Great. This ain't gonna be easy.' He was distracted when he heard a key in the lock of the door. Amazed, he watched as Louisa walked in with one of the guys from last night - at least he thought it was last night.

"Good, you're awake. The Don will be pleased to know. He has been anxious to see you," Louisa stated mater-of-factly. She turned to the man with her. "Tim, wait outside."

When Tim was out of the room, Louisa walked across the room to meet Buck half way. She just stood in front of Buck and waited.

"Why?" was all he asked.

Looking at Buck, she had to admit she felt a flicker of something for him, but would not help him. "I had to. I owe Alejandro my life and I choose to serve him for he is like a father to me and I would do anything for him. I didn't know who you were when we met before, but once I knew, I could not go against him."

Buck listened and still didn't understand. All he knew was that he felt betrayed by this woman. "Where are we?"

"Not that far from Four Corners, actually, but far enough away that no one will find you." As she backed away towards the door, Buck called out.

"Wait! Who is Alejandro?"

Smiling, Louisa answered, "You'll find out soon enough."

"Chris, over here!" Vin called out.

As the others come to a stop, Chris rode up to Vin, who said, "Tracks go off in this direction toward the old Steely farm."

Chris looked up to the main road. "You sure? It's only five miles from town."

"Only one way to find out, Chris, but yeah, I'm sure."

Rejoining the others, Chris and Vin brought them up to speed on the old Steely farm.

Mary's ears perked up. "That sounds right."

Chris heard her and asked, "What?"

Looking at the men, she continued, "I had forgotten, but it would make sense. I remember hearing that this place had been sold about six months ago, but no one had ever moved in."

As they rode to the Steely farm, each hoped for the best. Buck held a special place in each of their hearts and they were damn sure gonna keep him there.

When they got within a mile of the farm, they staked the place out to gather information. All were surprised that there weren't men around the house. It looked like it there was just a few men guarding it. Right before they were about to move, Louisa walked out of the house.

Mary spoke up. "I'll handle her. Go find Buck." And with that she discreetly headed off to meet Lousia.

Ezra, like the rest of the men, watched her stealthy approach the house. "Should not one of us follow her to ensure her safety?"

Chris smiled. "Trust me. Be afraid for Louisa. Besides, with so few men it shouldn't take us long."

Don Alejandro de Madera was patiently waiting in the dining room of his new house. Finally, what he had waited for since his son's death was now at hand. 'Buck Wilmington will now know what my son went through.' He stood in time to see his two paid henchmen escort Buck into the room.

"Ah, Senior Wilmington, it is nice of you to join us." The Don looked at this right hand man, Alegro, and instructed him, "Tie him to the table."

Buck watched and listened. He knew that once he was tied up, there would be little chance for him to escape. With all of the strength he could manage, he broke loose of the two men holding him. His freedom was short lived when Alegro drew his gun and shot Buck in the shoulder.

The other two men picked him up and set him on the table. Once he was securely tied, Don Alejandro de Madera addressed Buck again.

"Now that you have been settled in place, "Do you know why you're here, Senor?"

Buck watched this man and noticed the coldness of his eyes. In his normal wisecracking nature, Buck replied, "Should I?"

As soon as those words left his mouth, the Don backhanded him. "Do not mock me, Senor Wilmington. Look close into my face and tell me what you see."

The Don backed away and stared at his son's murderer. He had thought about revenge on Inez, but it was not her fault. This man was the one responsible; he could have shown mercy, but did not. Now, the Don would show no mercy to Buck Wilmington. "Well, answer me!" the Don demanded.

Buck looked at him. The only thing that ran through his mind that seemed to have any connection was Don Paulo – and that was just because they were both Dons. "Don Paulo's father?" Buck knew it he was right as soon as the words left his mouth.

"You murderer. Do you admit it?" Don Alejandro chillingly asked.

Buck now looked shocked. "What are you talking about? I didn't murder him."

The Don flew back to Buck's side and towered above him. As he bent down, mere inches from Buck's face he said, "Yes, you did."

Buck refused to accept the lie. "No, he challenged me. Yes, we fought. I could have killed him, but didn't. You men speak of honor - Paulo was going to shoot me in the back and one of your men stopped him."

"SHUT UP." Don Alejandro screamed. Taking a deep breath, he continued, "I've already taken care of him. Now, it is your turn." Turning Alejandro walked to a cabinet and unlocked it. After walking back, he placed the box on the table.

As he opened the box, he laid out the contents for Buck to see. "Senor Wilmington, do you have hobbies?"

Buck was now a little confused at the sudden change in the conversation. "Kind of," he answered as his dread grew. Seeing what Alejandro took out of the box did nothing to reassure him.

Looking at Buck, Don Alejandro grinned. "Hobbies are wonderful to have. After my son's death, I developed a new one. Shortly after his death, I met a doctor. You could say he was crazy, but he taught me a lot."

Buck listened while trying to loosen the ropes. He couldn't get them undone. He noticed that it was now just the two of them in the room. 'Where did the other men go?' he thought.

Don Alejandro continued to rant. "Look at these instruments. Aren't they beautiful?" The Don took out varying instruments of varying shapes and sizes, of the sharpness of the metal instruments the only element in common. Alejandro continued, "These instruments are wonderful at causing severe pain - when used correctly."

Buck saw a maddening gleam in the other man's eyes. Visibly gulping he thought his time had run out.

Meanwhile, the other five men moved on towards the house.

Vin took the house from behind and JD watched his back. Both men moved through the yard bent down. Once there, JD knocked on the door. Tim opened the door and received a punch thrown by Vin. The two then proceeded inside to find Buck.

Chris, Ezra, and Josiah moved toward the front of the house. To their surprise, the door opened before they reached it. Out walked Alegro and Bob. Seeing the three, men the two men drew the guns and fired. As they dove for cover, the trio returned the fire. Alegro and Bob went down, both men were dead.

Chris looked up to the house. "Come on, we need to find Buck."

So intent on Buck's torture, was he that Don Alejandro did not hear the commotion outside. He had placed stuck a scalped into Buck's shoulder, twisting it viciously.

Guns were still drawn as Chris, Ezra, and Josiah entered the house. They were about to split up when they heard an agonizing scream. All three hurried in the direction and crashed through the door.

"Don Alejandro, turn around," Chris demanded.

The Don ignored the gunslinger and continued twisting the scalpel into Buck's shoulder, making the incision larger.

When Buck let out another scream, Chris pulled the trigger to his gun and shot Alejandro dead. There were no second chances for the man mutilating the gunslinger's oldest friend.

At the sound of the gunshot, Vin and JD hurried into the room. They joined the others who had gathered around Buck, watching anxiously6 as Chris untied him.

Buck's mind was still foggy from the pain. He knew the danger was now over, but couldn't bring himself to say anything. When he was finally untied, JD helped Buck to sit up.

Vin examined his shoulder.

"How is he?" asked JD.

Vin looked up at JD. "He'll be fine. It's nasty, but he'll heal. Fortunately, the Don didn't get very far."

Chris let out a sigh of relief, only then remembering Mary. "We need to find Mary. She went after Louisa alone."

Mary continued her covert approach on Louisa and reached the barn first. She headed up to the loft to wait for her prey.

Minutes passed and Louisa finally made her entrance. She walked over to Amber and fed her horse a sugar cube. "This should be over soon and we'll be back home."
Mary waited for just the right opportunity. 'I can take her by surprise. It's not too far for me to jump.' So focused was she on the task before her, that she didn't realize that she was leaning on something. 'What is that smell?' Looking back down, she noticed that Louisa was almost in position. The bag in front of Mary was somewhat heavy so she threw all of her weight into the bag. Both the bag and Mary fell from the loft and landed on Louisa.

Unfortunately, Louisa was still conscious.

'Oh, wow, does this stuff smell.' Mary thought as she scrunched her nose. The awful smell almost but not quite distracted her from noticing a pain in her ankle.

Louisa sat up and shook her head. Once reality set in, so did her anger. "What the hell? You, what are you doing here?" Louisa reached out and grabbed Mary.

The two women were now struggling in earnest. Neither woman could get a good grip on the other or could even stand. They seemed to be sliding. After a moment they stopped and realized they were covered from head to toe in manure. 'Perfect,' thought both women and began struggling again.

Louisa actually managed to knock Mary down. Straddling her in victory, Lousia began to choke her. "Bitch."

Grabbing Louisa's hair, Mary managed to pull it, using the pain to distract Lousia and allowed Mary to knock Lousia off of her. "Whore."

Mary's right fist landed heavily on Louisa's face and momentarily stunned her opponent.

As Mary crawled off Louisa, she looked up to see six men standing at the door with varying expressions of shock and amusement on their faces. With an expression of disgust on her own face, she began to move away from her foe, but didn't make it too far because of the pain in her ankle. "And just what do you find so amusing?"

Chris immediately walked to her side to help. Placing his arm around her for support, he commented, "Nice job, only one problem."

Mary looked surprised. "What's the problem."

Chris looked at her and replied, "You stink." Turning away from Mary, he let a grin form on his face. "Before we move out, let's get these ladies washed off."

Mary threw her arms around Chris and hugged him tightly. Then, before the gunslinger could be too pleased with her actions, she drew away with a smile and said, "Now you don't have to worry about it, you smell just as bad."

Everyone broke out into a grin, except Louisa. She had taken the time to retrieve the gun she had stashed underneath her dress. "Where is my father?" Louisa spoke out.

All eyes rested on her. Buck took a step forward and answered, "Dead." As he turned his back, she picked up her gun and aimed.

"Watch out!" Ezra yelled, as he began to draw. But before he could fire another shot was heard.

Everyone watched as Louisa fell to the ground. She was shot through the heart.

JD lowered his gun and placed it back into his holster. He knew that this would be with him for awhile. He had never intentionally shot a woman before, but it was either her or Buck. JD's eyes moved to Buck who was now beside Louisa.

Buck didn't grieve for the woman before him because he didn't know her. However, he did grieve for the relationship he thought he had -- it just wasn't the right woman.

As the others looked, allowing Buck this moment, Josiah commented, "I'll go find the stuff for the burials."

Vin accompanied him to check on the one remaining man left in the house. Upon returning, Vin discovered that the man was long gone.

After the burials, they gathered all the horses and headed back to town.

3 Days Later

"Maude, I can't thank you enough." Mary stated.

Maude reviewed the list before her and looked up at Mary. "Don't mention it. I am glad pleased to be able to offer you this assistance." After a few minutes Maude added, "Just don't expect me at Billy's birthday party. It has been ages since I've been around young ones."

Getting up, Maude walked over to Mary and placed another pillow under her foot. "You just rest up and get well. You'll need the use of your ankle for the party."

"I'll rest as soon as the paper is done," Mary replied, about to get up.

"Mary, sit back down. Casey is handling the paper and is doing a great job. You've taught her well. If you need anything, call Casey. I'll be back soon."

Mary leaned back and rested, grateful for the generosity of her friends.

Buck was in the livery. As he brushed Amber, he thought of Louisa. Although it would be some time before he got over her, he realized that he wasn't as distraught as he should be. One thing that he did realize was that he wanted a family some day. His thoughts were interrupted when Ezra entered.

"Mr. Wilmington, I do hope your shoulder is healing nicely."

"Yeah, needed a few stitches which Vin took care of. You believe I actually wished Nathan was around for that?"

Ezra smiled. "Given the choice of either Nathan or Vin, I would have to agree with you." Ezra was hesitant with his next question. He knew Buck still struggled with what happened with Louisa, maybe the next question would bring closure. "What are your plans with Miss Perkins' horse?"

Buck looked at Amber. "I don't know. She doesn't belong to anyone right now. It's a shame - she's is a good horse."

Ezra debated voicing his next question, but knew that there was no reason to wait. "If I may make a suggestion, Buck."

Buck looked at Ezra. "Go on."

Ezra took off his hat and responded, "Miss Wells' birthday is today. JD made mention last week that she has expressed an interest in owning and caring for her own horse. I was wondering if that may be the solution to your situation with Amber."

Buck looked down for a second as a smile spread across his face. "It would be a good match. They together now?"

"No. I believe Miss Wells is still at the Clarion. JD is due to pick her up within the next few hours." Ezra was relieved. Buck was beginning to getting back to his old self and he was relieved for his friend.

"Let's go find JD, Ez." The two men walked out of the livery.

He had planned this just right. JD picked up Casey at the Clarion and proceeded with his plan. Blindfolding her, he placed her on his horse and they rode off to the spot where everything was waiting.

"JD. Where are we going? Why can't I see where we're going?" Casey asked.

"Haven't you heard of the term 'a surprise'?" JD replied. "Be patient - we're almost there."

Within minutes, they arrived. JD helped Casey off of his horse and led her to her first surprise. As he took the blindfold off, Casey's eyes adjusted to the sight before her.

It was their spot by the lake. As she smiled, she looked around and noticed the picnic spread out with flowers all around. "JD, this is beautiful."

Proud, JD said, "Happy birthday, Casey." They hugged and shared a kiss.

JD pulled back. "Close your eyes."

Casey looked surprised. "Again? You kept the blindfold on me for the whole trip here."

"Well, we're not done yet. Close your eyes and don't open them until I say," JD demanded as he went off.

He was gone for a few minutes and now standing before Casey. "OK, open your eyes."

Casey did as she instructed.

"Happy Birthday, Casey. Meet Amber." JD handed the reigns over.

Casey took the reigns and tears filled her eyes. "Oh, JD, she is beautiful. Is she for me?"

Smiling, JD answered, "Amber is all yours."

"I don't know what to say. I love her. Thank you, JD." The two hugged and continued their day.

Chris, Vin, Ezra, Buck, and Josiah were in the saloon sitting at their usual table.

Josiah spoke up. "Been a long week."

Buck agreed, "Glad it's over."

Ezra was about to say something when he noticed Nathan walking through the doors. "You're back early."

Nathan sat down with his friends. "Yeah. Had this weird feeling that I was needed back here. Did I miss anything?"

Smiles spread across all of their faces.

Josiah responded, "Only a lifetime, brother."

At that moment, Ezra was reminded of something and he smiled ruefully as he thought, 'Timing is everything."

The End

Eileen Scout would love to hear from you! Tell her what you thought of the ep or the season!