By: Eileen Scout

Gazing out of the window, he couldn't help but notice how cold and crisp the night air had grown. Except for a few clouds scattering about, the sky resembled a clear and dark crystal that demanded his attention. Looking up into the sky, his eyes began to focus on the unseen until in a moment of clarity his eyes relaxed and a grin formed on his face. Letting out a breath he had unknowingly held, he took a sip of his brandy. "It's time. Yes, it is finally time," and his lips turned up in an evil grin.

"Hey, Ezra 'n Josiah - wait up!" an excited JD yelled across the street as he jogged to catch his friends. Hearing JD's exuberant call, both men looked up and smiled. When JD caught up to them, Josiah raised his arm and slapped JD on the back while Ezra asked, "May we be of some assistance to you, Mr. Dunne?"

JD's head popped up, and with a boyish grin, he responded, "Yeah, you know we gotta find a gift for Casey."

With a tilt of his head towards his young friend Ezra remembered. "Ah, yes, the charming Miss Wells." Glancing at Josiah, Ezra finished, "The day the fates allowed the lovely Miss Wells to grace this world is fast approaching."

As he nodded his head, Josiah brushed some dust off his sleeve, then looked down at JD. "Her birthday, huh."

With a smile larger than the territory, JD replied, "Yeah. I wanna get her something special."

"And so we shall, my young friend." Ezra clamped his hand on the youngster's shoulder as they started to walk towards the tavern.

As Josiah's memory jogged back in time, a similar situation played out in his mind. Grinning, he shook his head and asked, "Hey, JD - have you gotten her that frog digger yet?"

Ezra was about to respond when he shifted his attention to the arriving stagecoach. While Josiah and JD went into the saloon, Ezra faded into the background.

Buck Wilmington ran out just as the stage rolled to a full stop. He couldn't wait to see Louisa again. Being separated for a month was longer than Buck liked, but he understood she had to wrap up some business dealings. Buck's mind took him back to the day in the saloon when she spoke out against statehood. Boy, had his life changed; sometimes he still couldn't believe he was getting married.

Snapping back to reality, Buck grinned from ear to ear, as 's mind when his eyes met the eyes of his beloved. As she disembarked the coach, Louisa zeroed in on Buck and ran into his open arms. Paying no attention to their surroundings, the two caught each other in a passionate embrace that was followed by an equally passionate kiss.

Smiling Louisa looked up into Buck's eyes. "Well, now, darlin', if that's how your gonna greet me I should go away more often."

With a suggestive gleam in his eye, Buck's softly responded, "We're not through yet."

She lifted her right arm and stretched it around his waist, as she whispered in his ear and invited him to her room. Leaning down, Buck grabbed Louisa's bag and they started down the boardwalk.

Louisa let out a breath and looked at Buck. "Honey, I'll meet you at the hotel. I want to check on Amber."

"No problem. I've been takin' good care of that horse of yours." With a wiggle of his brows, Buck finished, " We'll meet up in your room." As they went off in their different paths, a lone man watched.

"Now, I know I've taught you better manners than this!"

An irate female voice rang out, bringing Ezra out of his thoughts. Turning, he came face to face with Maude. 'Lord, help me through this,' Ezra silently pleaded. "Mother, what a pleasant surprise." He walked over and kissed her cheek. While their faces were inches apart, he sternly demanded, "What are you doing here?"

With a smile, Maude focused on Ezra and placed her gloved hand on his cheek. "I am here to help my darlin' boy. Besides, you know how I love a good con."

Looking upward, Ezra sighed. "Well, let's get you settled at the hotel and you can update me on the latest."

As they turned to leave, Maude said over her shoulder, "Don't forget my bags," and she continued to the hotel. Ezra looked down to see six cases. He lifted his head and his eyes roamed over the town, while a frown formed on his face.

Vin left the saloon and spotted Ezra. "Your mom in town?"

Ezra looked at this friend. "The evidence does seem to indicate your conclusion."

Vin leaned to pick up three of the bags. "I'll help. We goin' to the hotel?"

For a moment, Ezra looked surprised by the offer, then said, "Mr. Tanner, your assistance is truly appreciated. Follow me."

Climbing the stairs to Maude's room, the two men felt as if they were carrying bricks. As they entered the room, Maude was taking her hat off.

"Howdy, ma'am." Vin set the luggage by the bed.

Maude's eyes traveled up and down the bounty hunter. "Mr. Tanner, thank you so much. How have you been? "

"Fine ma'am. Best be leavin'. I was on my way to a meeting. See ya later." He turned and with a nod of his head to Ezra, he was out the door.

Ezra's lean, well defined legs carried him to the door which he promptly closed. Turning to his mother, he said, "Now, enlighten me with the information you've stumbled upon."

"As I stated in my wire, you and your friends are in trouble. Surely you remembered the code that we agreed to use when one of us was in trouble?" Maude asked accusingly.

As Ezra straightened his stance, he struggled to focus. 'Why on earth did she have to come to town?' he thought. "Mother, I surmised that much from your wire. I want the specifics - now."

"Oh, very well, but I really don't know much more than I've already written. I was in Denver for a new business venture. Oh, that reminds me, we do need to talk about Denver; it's a great opportunity. Anyway, it was a brilliant night and I decided to go for a walk when I stumbled across a meeting. Hmmm, yes - there were three men. Anyway, my interest was piqued when they mentioned Four Corners. Now keep in mind, I only heard pieces. From what I could make out someone recently infiltrated your group, probably for revenge. The three men were hired to get one of you out of town."

As she finished, Ezra shifted his stance as his mind searched for any kind of confirmation. "So, that's it. Not much to go on." Ezra walked over to the window and stared at the town below, concerned about his companions.

'What a warm day this is,' Mary silently observed as she sat going through papers at her desk. Suddenly, an item caught her attention. She hurriedly arranged the papers in a pile. As she stood, she heard someone enter and looked up, somewhat frazzled. "Vin, what br¼ your reading lesson. I'm sorry, I'll be right with you." Placing her papers to the side, she grabbed her book on Poe.

Vin noticed how out of sorts Mary was. "Something wrong, ma'am?"

Mary realized she was behaving oddly. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Vin. "I'm fine, I was just thinking about a possible lead for a story and you know how I am with those. Anything news worthy happening in town today?" Mary asked, as she came out from her desk and led Vin into the living area.

As Vin sat at the table, he responded, "Seems quiet. Could be in for some bumps. Maude's back."

Mary looked up. "Ezra's mother? In town - now?"

'Ok, something is up.' Vin looked into Mary's eyes searching for some sort of confirmation. "Yes, ma'am."

Mary tried to determine when she would be able to see Maude, but gave up the effort when he realized that Vin was waiting for her. Smiling at the tracker, Mary realized that she thoroughly enjoyed her time with Vin, "Let's start on 'The Bells.' I know that you love Poe."

Vin opened the book to begin his lesson, excited to once again to find that he was able to understand the words before his eyes.

It seemed like an eternity passed as Ezra spoke with his mother. 'Why can't she understand that I don't want her involved because of the possible danger.'

'Why is he throwing up so many obstacles?' Exasperated, Maude peered at her son. "Ezra, darling, for some unknown reason, you have attached yourself to this town and the people in it. As much as I don't agree with it, I've never seen you happier. If something is interfering with your happiness, I will like to help you resolve the situation." Before Ezra could reply, a knock was heard at the door.

Ezra turned and opened the door to another determined woman, Mary Travis.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." Mary looked at Maude. "I heard you were in town and had to come and say hello."

Maude warmly greeted the widow, while at the same time feeling a bit out of her realm. 'What is this - this feeling I have?' she thought. Out loud, she merely said, "Mary, how have you been?"

"Fine, thank you." Turning to Ezra, Mary smiled and continued, "However, I have new information concerning our inquiries."

Ezra raised his arm to the nearest chair and summoned Mary to sit. Focusing his attention on her, he encouraged her. "Please explain."

Lifting her head, Mary began, "I've received feedback from the inquiries I sent out. Seems your suspicions have some merit."

At that point, Maude looked at Ezra and said, "So you know what this is about."

Ezra looked from his mother to Mary, and as much as he hated to admit it, realized that he would need their combined effort to uncover the truth. "Yes. The main clue to this enigma is a person infiltrating our ranks. Looking at that scenario, only one person has accomplished that somewhat recently."

Maude queried, "Who?"

Ezra's and Mary's eyes met and they said simultaneously, "Louisa Perkins."