By: Eileen Scout

3 Days Later

"Maude, I can't thank you enough." Mary stated.

Maude reviewed the list before her and looked up at Mary. "Don't mention it. I am glad pleased to be able to offer you this assistance." After a few minutes Maude added, "Just don't expect me at Billy's birthday party. It has been ages since I've been around young ones."

Getting up, Maude walked over to Mary and placed another pillow under her foot. "You just rest up and get well. You'll need the use of your ankle for the party."

"I'll rest as soon as the paper is done," Mary replied, about to get up.

"Mary, sit back down. Casey is handling the paper and is doing a great job. You've taught her well. If you need anything, call Casey. I'll be back soon."

Mary leaned back and rested, grateful for the generosity of her friends.

Buck was in the livery. As he brushed Amber, he thought of Louisa. Although it would be some time before he got over her, he realized that he wasn't as distraught as he should be. One thing that he did realize was that he wanted a family some day. His thoughts were interrupted when Ezra entered.

"Mr. Wilmington, I do hope your shoulder is healing nicely."

"Yeah, needed a few stitches which Vin took care of. You believe I actually wished Nathan was around for that?"

Ezra smiled. "Given the choice of either Nathan or Vin, I would have to agree with you." Ezra was hesitant with his next question. He knew Buck still struggled with what happened with Louisa, maybe the next question would bring closure. "What are your plans with Miss Perkins' horse?"

Buck looked at Amber. "I don't know. She doesn't belong to anyone right now. It's a shame - she's is a good horse."

Ezra debated voicing his next question, but knew that there was no reason to wait. "If I may make a suggestion, Buck."

Buck looked at Ezra. "Go on."

Ezra took off his hat and responded, "Miss Wells' birthday is today. JD made mention last week that she has expressed an interest in owning and caring for her own horse. I was wondering if that may be the solution to your situation with Amber."

Buck looked down for a second as a smile spread across his face. "It would be a good match. They together now?"

"No. I believe Miss Wells is still at the Clarion. JD is due to pick her up within the next few hours." Ezra was relieved. Buck was beginning to getting back to his old self and he was relieved for his friend.

"Let's go find JD, Ez." The two men walked out of the livery.

He had planned this just right. JD picked up Casey at the Clarion and proceeded with his plan. Blindfolding her, he placed her on his horse and they rode off to the spot where everything was waiting.

"JD. Where are we going? Why can't I see where we're going?" Casey asked.

"Haven't you heard of the term 'a surprise'?" JD replied. "Be patient - we're almost there."

Within minutes, they arrived. JD helped Casey off of his horse and led her to her first surprise. As he took the blindfold off, Casey's eyes adjusted to the sight before her.

It was their spot by the lake. As she smiled, she looked around and noticed the picnic spread out with flowers all around. "JD, this is beautiful."

Proud, JD said, "Happy birthday, Casey." They hugged and shared a kiss.

JD pulled back. "Close your eyes."

Casey looked surprised. "Again? You kept the blindfold on me for the whole trip here."

"Well, we're not done yet. Close your eyes and don't open them until I say," JD demanded as he went off.

He was gone for a few minutes and now standing before Casey. "OK, open your eyes."

Casey did as she instructed.

"Happy Birthday, Casey. Meet Amber." JD handed the reigns over.

Casey took the reigns and tears filled her eyes. "Oh, JD, she is beautiful. Is she for me?"

Smiling, JD answered, "Amber is all yours."

"I don't know what to say. I love her. Thank you, JD." The two hugged and continued their day.

Chris, Vin, Ezra, Buck, and Josiah were in the saloon sitting at their usual table.

Josiah spoke up. "Been a long week."

Buck agreed, "Glad it's over."

Ezra was about to say something when he noticed Nathan walking through the doors. "You're back early."

Nathan sat down with his friends. "Yeah. Had this weird feeling that I was needed back here. Did I miss anything?"

Smiles spread across all of their faces.

Josiah responded, "Only a lifetime, brother."

At that moment, Ezra was reminded of something and he smiled ruefully as he thought, 'Timing is everything."

The End