Style Guide

• Format can be in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or plain text.

• Please do NOT use special characters (accents, shortcut ellipsis, etc.)

• All titles should be in CAPITALS.

• The story will be in either three parts and a tag or four parts. The writer can make their own part breaks, or the committee will do it for them.

• If the writer divides their own story into three parts, the Part breaks should be indicated by a line of ########

• Scene breaks should be indicated by a line of =========

• All paragraphs must be separated by a blank line. This means an extra return character, not special formatting in a word processor.

• No indents of any kind.

• Writers may use US or UK spellings, just let us know in advance.

• Italics should be indicated by *

• Bolds should be indicated by ^

• All dreams and/or memories will be set apart by italics. Make sure to designate them by *

• Sounds should be in italics and include a ~ (Example: *~clank~*)

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