*Bambi's Sweethearts*

***These are the people who make my life even more complete! I love them dearley...Not to mention their SEXXXY!!!
*Aaron again*
Yummmmm......(drool) =)
MAJOR cutie!
*David A.*
WoWiE! Hottie!!
*Todd* (the one on the left, the tall one)
What a babe!!!! yum yum...*drool*
Alisa and Boy Toy...Whoa!!
Daisy and her Boy Toy, Jhovanny...:)
Rachel and Steven...OoO Sexxxy!!
Awwwww....so cute, Jefferey
Awwww, it's Becky!! My bestest friend in the WHOLE entire world. She's my babe!! :)
***I need a glass of water!!! Ay Ay Ay!!...WoW...Look at my babes! =)