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Old News, But Good News

Congratulations to PHI MU ALPHA Pi Chi Colony for having a VERY productive and successful semester. We went through a lot and we came out stronger than ever!

First of all, the car wash went great! We raised a lot of money and we had fun doing it too.
With all that "new found wealth", we opened up a bank accout with Wells Fargo

Our next gathering was at Hooters in Corpus Christi, Texas. We had a lot of fun and we experienced brotherhood.

We closed off the semester with a very informative and productive meeting that, in my opinion, ended on a positive note.


Spring Semester has started! This semester, Jerald, our president, will be student teaching. BEST OF LUCK TO JERALD!! In his absence, Vice President, Rai Morales, will conduct meetings and will take care of business until Jerald can fulfill his duties.