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Killeen Kangaroo Alumni Association

KKAA Christmas 2001
December 1, 2001

We had a great time in Salado
eating lunch and touring shops...
then off to Frank's Lakeview Inn
for dinner and dance'n!

Lunch at Stagecoach Inn

Back Row, L-R:
Wally Wallace (72), Tammie Dunn-Wallace (77),
Rick Hudson (70), Kathy Whitehead-Hudson (73)
and C.R. Porter (65)

Front Row, L-R:
Royce Phillips (72), Debbie Smith-Phillips (73),
Violet Drake-Porter (65) and Reba Holmes-Watkins (74)

Dinner & Dance'n at Frank's Lakeview Inn

Rick Hudson (70), Tammie Dunn-Wallace (77),
Wally Wallace (72) (with lil Tabitha), Josh
Wallace (Wally & Tammie's oldest son), Reba
Holmes-Watkins (74), Renee' Wallace-Barton (68),
JoAnn Alston (65), Darlene Gallaway-Haun (65),
and Don Caffey (62)
(Kathy Whitehead-Hudson, 73, was taking the pic!)

Kathy, Debbie & Reba

On your Mark... Get Set... SHOP!
(Don't think Salado was ready for this group!)

Royce & Debbie

"Debbie, I'm tell'n ya that if you'd let
me open a Sports Bar in Salado, we'd make a kill'n!
Look at alls these poor men just hang'n outside the shops...
and I'm one of them!"

Josh & his Auntie (Renee')

"One, two three... Two, two, three..."
(Don't mess up, Josh!...
Can tell yer think'n... smelled something burn'n!)

Darlene & Don

"Remember when 'so-n-so' did 'such-n-such'...
and when 'you-know-who' was dating 'what's-his-face'..."

(Don, JoAnn, Renee' and Darlene spent most of the night sharing "OLD" memories ;)

Momma Lucy Wallace, Wally (with lil Tabitha) and Josh

(Momma Lucy!... don't look so surprised at what
Wally's say'n and pretend'n you don't know him!)

Rick & Darlene
"Okay, Darlene... let's cut a rug and show um how it's done!"

Tammie & Wally

"You even Think about it, Wally, and I'll.. I'll.. "

Reba, Darlene & JoAnn

(What a crew!)

Rick & Reba

"Kathy! I'm gonna take that camera and..."

Wally, Reba, Josh & Renee'

(Do'n their best to stay out of trouble!
... yea, right... can ya pick which one starts it all?!)

Momma Lucy & Wally

(How many Dr. Peppers did you give your Momma, Wally?)

Wally & Reba

(Kathy thought this had to have been a good fish'n story!...
What?!... There was a child present!... jeezzz)

C.L., Royce & Rick

(Don't know what Royce had for lunch,
but the rest of us thought it was delicious!)

Kathy & Reba found Santa!

(Poor Santa... had his hands full!
...but Kathy thinks they'll get what they wished for! ;)
Ho... Ho... uh... Ho!

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