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Drive-In & Dinner!

The Last Drive-In Picture Show
Ranchers Steak House
Gatesville, Texas
September 15, 2001

A large group met up in Gatesville at Rancher's Steak House for dinner, then trailed each other to the Drive-In for Popcorn and Jr. Mints... little did we know we had to tune into a radio channel for the sound... if we'd had known that, we would have all brought ear phones! ... kinda hard to hear sitting in lawn chairs in front of the cars... has Nut'n to do with age!!!... not sure anyone remembered to "smooch"... we were too busy yaking and visiting with Roos we haven't seen since KHS days... Wally Wallace ('72) led us in singing God Bless America during intermission, in respect of September 11th tragedies... Kathy Whitehead-Hudson ('73) and Renee' Wallace ('68) then lead us in the KHS Alma Mater and Fight Song... if you weren't able to make it, you missed an awesome time under the stars with fellow Roos!

C.R. Porter ('65) and Violet Drake-Porter ('65)

At Ranchers Steak House before the Drive-In Movie

Royce Phillips ('72) and Debbie Smith-Phillips ('72)

"Yawn... so, Deb... is the movie over?"
(Not as romantic as KHS days? ;)

Linda Moore (friend), Thomas Shuttleworth ('81),
Barbara Rush ('74) and Gary Parker ('70)...
enjoying the memories of a Drive-In

Kathy Whitehead-Hudson ('73),
Wally Wallace ('72) and Reba Holmes ('74)

What cha got your eyes closed fer, Wally?...
wish'n Kathy and Reba to go away?! (lol)...
(You couldn't be That lucky!)

There were Lots more Roos at the Drive-In!

Wish we had pics of All of you!

Next time - Group Hug!
(so we don't leave anyone out! :)

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