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Food for thought

A Married Couple Were Having A Disagreement.
The wife said, " You're Impossible!" " NO, " Replied the husband, " I'm Next to impossible".

A small Boy's Definition of Conscience: " Something that prompts you to tell your mother before your sister does".

Wife to her Husband.
" What do you love most about me, My Natural beauty or My great body?"
the Husbands reply
"Your Sense Of Humor."

Exasperated Mother To child at the dinner table:
" Eat it , Dear. Pretend it's Mud."

Sign in School:
"Incase of nuclear attack, the federal ruling concerning prayer in the building will be temporarily suspended."

Little boy's letter to his grandmother:
" Dear Grandma; I'm sorry I forgot your birthday last week. It would serve me right if you forgot mine next week. "


My Favorite Bible Verse

by Robert B. Gronlund

Joshua 1:9
Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whither so ever thou go’est.

I had memorized this verse as a child.
I then used it to receive comfort and courage while in combat with the 89th infantry in Europe in 1945.
The verse provided me with a sense of god's presence.
Upon returning home to the states in 1946, I discovered that my mother had been comforting herself with the same verse for several weeks.

One night, worried about my safety, and unable to sleep, my mother had wandered the house and found my bible where I had marked Joshua 1:9.
She left it open to the verse and often read it.
The Bible was still open to it when I returned home.
Today, I continue to find the assurance of God's Presence through reciting the verse.
As I do this, I often think of my mother and how God strengthened us both during those days of the war.

By Carl Smith

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Many times, we think that all our problems are solved when we become a Christian.
But I soon realized that even after I accepted the lord, I still had a problem with anxiety.
If I had to speak to a group, I would be terrified.
The one day, I came across Isaiah 41:10.
It was like God was speaking to me, saying He would be with me to help me.
I believed this, and I began to be less anxious in groups.
Now I am a sunday school teacher, and am growing in my awareness of God's presence in all I do.
No matter what I face, I do it with the confidence that God is with me to help me.

By Edith Scott,

1 John 5:14-15
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: That if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us whatever we ask, we know that we have what we asked of him.

I had been married ten years, and although I had prayed daily for my husband,
he had not given his heart to the Lord.
Then one day the word confidence came to my mind.
I looked it up in my concordance, and found 1 John 5:14-15.
It was as if the Lord opened the scripture verse for me, and I claimed it for my husband's salvation.
Another 27 years passed, but I continued to claim this verse, and knew he would be saved.

I asked God for at least ten years to walk with my husband together as Christians.
Well, he did get saved, and we had 12 years together before he went to be with the Lord.
By that time, we had been married 58 years.
Through it all, God has been faithful to His word.

By Christa K. Robinson,

1 Timothy 5:4
If A Widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.

My husband was an only child, and helped support his widowed mother before we were married.
She leaned on her son for emotional and financial support,
but it was not until we married that I realized the magnitude of the burden on my husband.
Once we married, of course, I began to carry those burdens.

But after five years of emotional and financial hardship, I began to resent my mother in law.
One week, our sunday school lesson dealt with family and church responsibilities.
The Scripture we studied was 1 Timothy 5:3-4, and it was like a bucket of ice cold water on my face.
It helped me put things into perspective, and open my heart to my mother in law's needs.

Her needs did not disappear, and my anger and worry did not disappear totally either.
But The Scripture guided me in my relationship with her,
and we continued to give her emotional and financial help until she died.
I am thankful that through that verse, God spoke to me and lightened
my anger toward my husband's mother during the last three years of her life.

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