Introduction Presentation


This presentation is about yourself. Follow the directions below to set up a rough draft and a final paper. Talk about situations and events that are interesting to you and your audience. Turn in your rough draft and present your final work to the class. This project is due January 17th. 

1.      Introductions:

·        Use some kind of attention device.

·        Have a preview sentence. (Three to four topics that are discussed in the body).

·        Have a transition sentence. (A sentence that flows into the body)

·        Thesis Statement. (An explanation of the topic in a single sentence)

(Introductions are due)

2.      Body:

·        Write a paragraph from each topic.

·        The topics should be written in order of the preview.

3.      Conclusion:

·        Write a summery of the body (four to five sentences).

(Speeches are due)

How to Prepare and Give a Speech

1.      Choosing a Topic:

·        The right choice of topic will make the rest of the speech preparation and presentation much easier.

·        Poor topic choice can create extra work and difficulty

2.   Rules For Choosing

      ·       Find something that already interests you. Your enthusiasm for the subject can spread.

·        Perform a self-interest inventory. A series of questions you ask yourself often gives you an idea for a good topic.

·        After inventory, make a list of possible topics and evaluate each.

·        Narrow topic

Self-interest Inventory Questions               Self-interest Evaluation

1.   My hobbies or special talents?                            1.   How interested am I?

2.      Interesting things I’ve done?                                2.   Can I interest my audience?

3.      Places I’ve visited?                                             3.   Do I have enough information?

4.      Careers/What am I going to                                4.   Is it appropriate for the situation?

      do when I’m older?

5.      Famous people I know?

6.      Curiosities?