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  104 Signal Squadron Vietnam Excellent website by Denis Hare. This site would have to be the benchmark website that all other Aussie military websites are judged against. Highly recommended for a visit.

  Jim Troyanek's Canadian Web Pages Great portal from one of our Canadian friends and counterparts. Jim has put together some very interesting Sigint oriented websites.

Birgelen Veterans Association Website for ex members of 13 Signal Regiment - Royal Signals formerly based in Birgelen Germany. Several of our members have had exchange postings to this unit, and it is a good site to catch up with some names from the past. Well worth a visit.

 Old Spooks & Spies  Very good "old friends" of 547. 

 ASA Yellow Pages links to all American ASA sites

 DSD Website The Factory

Bletchley Park Museum  GCHQ Sigint Museum



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