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Velvet's Mom Becomes a Certified Cowgirl!

Velvet and her Mom love to herd cattle. Velvet was pretty jealous that she didn't get to come to Dimmit, TEXAS, but then again...the 12 hour trailer ride was something she could do without.

Velvet was pretty proud of her Mom when she saw these pictures.

Velvet was a little worried that FoxFire was going to become Mom's special horse until Mom explained that FoxFire belongs to Shakespeare and his Dad.


This is Velvet's Mom's Graduation Picture. She had successfully sorted cows in Steve's feedlot. She and FoxFire are pretty proud of themselves. Susan was glad to be alive and FoxFire was glad that Susan wasn't nervous. After all, FoxFire had enough to contend with without having a nervous ninny up there making concentration tough.

Cows Beware---Sorting Will Occur

Oh, she was amoung millions of cows. Working in the feedlot gets you very close to the cows and things happen very quickly. You can see the cows didn't want to crowd FoxFire.

Here is Steve, the owner of this immense sea of cows, thanking Susan and FoxFire for saving the day. He's saying to Susan,

"Without you and FoxFire to head up these cattle, this would have been too long of a day! Please, Susan, consider moving down to the Texas Panhandle and become the Boss Cowgirl of the Feedlot. Please!"

On the way home, FoxFire wanted to show Susan how fast a quarter horse could run. Shakespeare had his Dad stop on a piece of land nicely turned over. There wasn't a fence or obstacle as far and anyone could see.

Dad took these pictures while I was galloping as fast as I could to keep up with FoxFire. My Dad is quite a rider. He had both hands on the camera and was turned 90 degrees in the saddle to get this fast movin' team in camera range.

Looks like Velvet should be giving her Mom a few more practice sessions in fast galloping. (Not that she can go quite as fast as FoxFire!)

I know that Velvet's mom thought she was relaxed, but these pictures still show a bit of tension in the upper body and!?