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Paul's Robotics

Paul's 2001 Robotics

The Team
The team and the robot. Paul is in the back, third from the right.(dad's bragging rights: Paul is one of only two drivers of the robot)

The robot
View of the robot's innards.

The team
The team getting their picture made.

Robot's innards
The robot being overhauled.

The exterior shell of the robot, Sparky.

The playing field
This picture came out kind of dark, but it shows the playing field the robots were using.

Paul waiting for his award
Paul in line waiting for his award.

Paul getting his medal.

the receiving line
High fives for everyone.

Yeah, he's a little bit happy.

the team
The team in the stands.

Paul chilled out.

Sparky in the docks. Note the competition lights stacked up on the hood.

Paul and Sara
Paul and Sara in front of Sparky's shipping box (Team 231).

the family
The family after the competition (someone likes to dress bright!).

Nate, Sara, and Paul
Paul with proud brother and girlfriend.

Sara and Paul
Sara and Paul at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Nathan and Tamra
Nathan G. gives Tamra a bear hug.

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