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She-ra Kay Princess of Power

She-ra Kay

Hello! My name is She-ra Kay, and I am the 'Queen' of my domain. I was
born in Arlington, Texas and adopted into a fine family of obedient cat
lovers to whom I am very loyal. I love pretty things in shades of pink, red
and purple. Some humans say that we cats are color blind. I don't know about
the rest of them, but I'm not. I love shiny, crackly cellophane in my favorite
colors. It is so fun to play with, and it so irritates my human daddy when I
play with it late at night when he's trying to sleep. Okay, enough about me.
I'll let you meet the others now.

My Brothers and Sisters


Hi! I'm Laci. I'm the 'next to the oldest', and She-ra and I are very close. I
was rescued from a busy street when I was just a baby. No one claimed me, so
She-ra and her family adopted me. She-ra was still very young too, so we grew
up together. We were 'the girls', the only ones...then, I don't know what
happened. All of a sudden, boys, boys, boys!


Okay, I'm Shadow, and I'm the oldest boy. I'm very close to the girls. We
respect each other and get along real well. I'm kind of the second boss, because
I'm the oldest boy. Well, I'm boss of the younger ones anyway. I'm quiet,
reserved and well mannered like the girls. I guess that's why we get along so well.


Hi! I'm Mikey. I'm just a little bit younger than Shadow, so we are very close.
Okay, so I'm a little hyper, and I get on She-ra's nerves. I get in trouble a lot
for that. She slaps me, but it doesn't hurt. She has tiny delicate paws. I like
She-ra, but it's just so much fun to bug her!
(Click on Mikey's picture to see his awards.)


Hello, my name is Gabriel. I'm a little hyper too. My hero is Shadow. I like
to hide and do sneak attacks on him. Sometimes he's nice and lets me 'win'.
The girls didn't like me much at first, but they're getting used to me now. I
used to be the baby of the family...then we got Pooshka. Oh well, I guess
she's okay.


Hi, I'm Pooshka, and this is my Easter bunny. I'm very sweet and lady like, so
everybody loves me very much. That is except for Gabriel. He just tolerates me.
I think he's just jealous, because he's such a mama's baby...heehee.

Jazzy and Kissy

Hi! We're the newest babies, Jazzy and Kissy. Mommy and Daddy adopted us
together and brought us to our forever home, where we're very happy. We're
almost exactly the same age, so we've become the best of friends. We're very
sweet and get along well with everybody.

The complete guide to choosing and caring for your pet.
Pet Names, pet care, pet information, help choosing a pet and more.

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