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Treason's Revelation - Book Two

Book Two Index

Chapter One "The Searchers"
Chapter Two "Intersection"
Chapter Three "The Ransom Note"
Chapter Four "Zorro Must be Stopped"
Chapter Five "Momentous Meeting"
Chapter Six "The Lamb"
Chapter Seven "All Roads Lead to Santa Barbara"
Chapter Eight "The Assistant Deputy Takes Charge"
Chapter Nine "Face-Off"
Chapter Ten "Lost Sons"
Chapter Eleven "Peril Rides the Night Wind"
Chapter Twelve "Players Assemble in the Night"
Chapter Thirteen "Lightning in the Eyes of the Serpent"
Chapter Fourteen "Strike!"
Chapter Fifeen "The Poison's Work Begins"
Chapter Sixteen "Chains on the Heart"
Chapter Seventeen "The Basking Serpent"
Chapter Eighteen "The Waking Nightmare"
Chapter Nineteen "Resolutions"
Chapter Twenty "The Wedge Forged Between"
Chapter Twenty One "The Return to Los Angeles"
Chapter Twenty Two "Desires"
Chapter Twenty Three "So Near and Yet, So Far"
Chapter Twenty Four "Hearts in Turmoil"
Chapter Twenty Five "The Warning"
Chapter Twenty Six "Preparations"
Chapter Twenty Seven "Silent Warnings"
Chapter Twenty Eight "Heaven Flight"
Chapter Twenty Nine "Infierno's Brink"
Chapter Thirty "No Answers"

Book Three Index

Book One Index
Table of Contents
Second Table of Contents for Short Stories