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Time By Escati
In Houston, Texas USA it is:




Amoxapine ( Asendin )

        Amoxapine ( Asendin ) a heterocyclic antidepressants. This drug is used mainly in the treatment of depression: endogenous, neurotic, or reactive. This drug is also used as a second line agent for panic attacks and used in refractory atypical unipolar depression.


25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg

Dosages: Actual dosage must be determined by a physician.

Start : 50 mg 2 to 3 times daily.
Increases : After fifth or sixth day, as needed to 100 mg 3 times daily.
Maintenance : 120 to 300 mg in 24 hours.
Maximum : 600 mg in 24 hours.

Normal dosage:   75 mg to 150 mg Daily,  in healthy young adult.

Take With:  With food and a full glass of water.

Full Benefits In:  In a few days to a few weeks.  If any unpleasant side effects,  they should appear right away.

Missed Dose(s):  If within one hour take,   if over an hour skip and then continue on your normal schedule.  If you take this drug at bedtime and dosage is missed,  do not take it in morning.
Never Take a Double Dose!

If Stop Taking:  Do not stop without consulting your physician and never abruptly.


The habit-forming potential is none. This drug if beneficial should be taken about six months, in a few up to a year.

Do not take this drug if you are pregnant, try some non-drug alternatives.

Do not take this drug if planning to become pregnant. Do not take if you are breast-feeding.

Do not give this drug to children under sixteen. If over sixty only use drug in small doses and with close monitoring of it's side effects. The elderly should be careful when standing, the blood pressure lowering effects of this drug may make them fall.

Do not use if: You had negative reactions to this drug or any drug in this group in the past. If you are recovering from a heart attack. If you have taken or are taking any MAO inhibitors in the last 14 days.

Inform your Doctor if: You had negative reactions to this drug or any drug in this group in the past. If you have epilepsy, liver / kidney disease, or asthma. If you have a history of blood cell disorder, diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, paranoia, prostate gland enlargement, schizophrenia, urinary retention or overactive thyroid. If you are taking any other prescription or non-prescription drug. If you plan to be under anesthesia or having any surgery in the next few months, also if you will be under-going any medical tests.

Amoxapine ( Symptoms or Effects )

Common: Blurred vision, constipation, drowsiness, dry mouth, impaired urination, or low blood pressure.

Rare: Allergies, cavities, confusion, drug fever, increased appetite, insomnia, involuntary facial / tongue movements, racing heartbeat / palpitations, seizures, skin rash, sexual problems, swelling.

See physician always: Allergies, confusion, involuntary facial / tongue movements, low blood pressure, seizures, skin rash, sexual problems, or swelling.

See physician if severe: Blurred vision, constipation, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased appetite, insomnia, or racing heartbeat / palpitations.

See physician NOW: Involuntary facial / tongue movements or drug fever..

Stop taking and see physician NOW: Seizures.