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Pemoline ( Cylert )

        Pemoline ( Cylert ) is used to treat attention-deficit-disorder in children. This drug is from a family of drugs known as central nervous system stimulants. Originally used in older persons to improve cognitive functioning.

Do not give this drug to child that suffer from psychotic disorders that produce the symptoms of attention-deficit-disorder.

Long term use may affect growth.


Do not take monoamine oxidase inhibitor with this drug.

Do not take this drug with heterocyclic antidepressants.

The habit-forming potential is high. Psychological and physical dependence is possible. Addiction is rare in children but a problem with adults.

Children who take this drug on a long-term basis should be examined every four to six months. The physician should monitor height and weight, look for the presence of tics, measure blood pressure and pulse, and ask about side effects. ( Yudofsky, Hales & Ferguson )

Do not take this drug if you are pregnant or if planning to become pregnant. Do not take if you are breast-feeding.

Do not give this drug to children under the age of six and if over sixty with close monitoring.

Do not use if: You had negative reactions to this drug in the past.

Inform your Doctor if: You had negative reactions to this drug in the past. If you have epilepsy / family history of seizures, a history of Touette's syndrome, liver / kidney / heart disease. If you are taking any other prescription or non-prescription drug. If you plan to be under anesthesia or having any surgery in the next few months, also if you will be under-going any medical tests. If you have taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor ( MAO ) in the pass two weeks.

Pemoline ( Symptoms or Effects )

Common: Nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping or weight loss.

Rare: Abdominal pain, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, mood changes, lack of coordination, tics/unusual movements, skin rash, yellow eyes / skin or chest pain.

See physician always: Abdominal pain, drowsiness, dizziness, mood changes, lack of coordination, tics/unusual movements, skin rash, yellow eyes / skin , chest pain, difficulty sleeping or weight loss.

See physician if severe: Nausea, loss of appetite or headache.

Stop taking and see physician NOW: Abdominal pain, tics/unusual movements, chest pain, skin rash or yellow eyes / skin.