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Time By Escati
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Fluoxetine ( Prozac )

        Fluoxetine ( Prozac ) a serotonin-specific drug is used then the patient does not respond to heterocyclic antidepressants. This drug is used mainly in the treatment of depression. It is also used to treat other psychological disorders , these include: OCD ( obsessive-compulsive disorder ), panic disorder, and antiphobic effects. This drug may also be used in the treatment of bulimia.


10mg, 20 mg

20 mg per 5 ml

Dosages: Actual dosage must be determined by a physician. 

Start : 20 mg in morning.
Increases : 20 mg daily.
Maximum : 80 mg in 24 hours.


The habit-forming potential is none. This drug if beneficial should be taken about six months, in a few up to a year.

Do not take this drug if you are pregnant, try some non-drug alternatives.

Do not take this drug if planning to become pregnant. Do not take if you are breast-feeding.

Do not give this drug to children or infants. If over sixty only use drug in small doses and with close monitoring of it's side effects.

Do not use if: You had negative reactions to this drug in the past.

Inform your Doctor if: You had negative reactions to this drug in the pass. If you have epilepsy. If you have liver or kidney disease. If you are taking any other prescription or non-prescription drug. If you plan to be under anesthesia or having any surgery in the next few months, also if you will be under-going any medical tests.

Fluoxetine ( Symptoms or Effects )

Common: Anxiety or nervousness.

Rare: Abnormal sweating, change in appetite, constipation, diarrhea, headache, nausea, sedation, seizure, skin rash, stomach cramps, or trouble sleeping.

See physician always: Abnormal sweating, anxiety, change in appetite, headache, nausea, nervousness, seizure, skin rash, stomach cramps, or trouble sleeping.

See physician if severe: Diarrhea, sedation, or constipation.

Stop taking and see physician NOW: Seizures or skin rash.