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Diazepam ( Valium )

Diazepam ( T-Quil, Valrelease, Valium )

Diazepam is an antianxiety agent ( benzodiazepines. ) Used primarily for short-term relief of mild to moderate anxiety. It may also be used to treat symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawals, to help control epilepsy and to relieve muscle spasms.


Narcotics may increase the sedative effects of this drug. Do not take other sedative, benzodiazepines, or sleeping pills with this drug. The combinations could be fatal. Do not drink alcohol when taking benzodiazepines. Alcohol can lower blood pressure and decrease your breathing rate to the point of unconsciousness.

The habit-forming potential is high. It is possible to become dependent in only two weeks. This drugs should not be taken for more then four weeks ( Yudofsky, Hales and Ferguson . ) Do not stop taking this drug abruptly, this could cause psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms.

Do not take this drug if you are pregnant. Some studies have found that taking this drug may lead to serious birth defects. If this drug is used in late pregnancy it may cause " floppy infant" syndrome.

Do not take this drug if planning to become pregnant. Do not take if you are breast-feeding.

Do not give this drug to anyone under six mounts old and never use on hyperactive or psychotic children. Only use drug in small doses if over sixty with close monitoring.

Do not use if: You had negative reactions to other benzodiazepines, if you have a history of drug dependence, if you have had a stroke, if you have multiple sclerosis, if you have Alzheimer's disease, if you are seriously depressed or if you have other brain disorders.

Diazepam ( Symptoms or Effects )

Common: Clumsiness / Sleepiness.

Rare: Abdominal cramps, blurred vision, dry mouth, racing heartbeat / palpitations, shaking / slurred speech, urination problems, convulsions, hallucinations, memory loss, trouble breathing, staggering / trembling, headache or confusion.

See physician always: Abdominal cramps, blurred vision, dry mouth, racing heartbeat / palpitations, shaking / slurred speech, urination problems, convulsions, hallucinations, memory loss, trouble breathing, staggering / trembling, headache or confusion.

See physician if severe: Clumsiness / Sleepiness.

See physician NOW: Confusion.

Stop taking and see physician NOW: Convulsions, hallucinations, memory loss, trouble breathing or staggering / trembling.