Ktara's Weyr |
I was born at High Reaches Hold during Threadfall.
My mother, was a Journeyman harper.
My father, was also a Journeyman harper at the time but later became Craftmaster (instruments) at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold.
I spent a lot of time investigating the surrounding areas with others my age as I was growing up, which helped me learn many things I would need to survive.
Of course, my parents taught me rudimentary skills as a harper, but it was obvious early on that I would never be great, so I was sent to learn the message drums.
I was adequate at the task, but would rather be out exploring.
Eventually my parents were assigned to visit Southern Weyr and spent some time at Cove Hold.
We returned North by boat and came here, where I was discovered during Search as a candidate to Impress.
Now I wait, hoping that I will be chosen.
Wonder of wonders!! I have Impressed green Iteminith!
Iteminith is now a weyrling. Together we learn to fly
and to go between. I learn more ways of caring for her.
Soon she will learn to chew firestone. |
This is blue Beauty, my firelizard
Taris Weyr |
This is Tavi, my watchweyr
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