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~The Message~

By Thomas Heywood Circa 157?–1650

YE little birds that sit and sing
Amidst the shady valleys,
And see how Phillis sweetly walks
Within her garden-alleys;
Go, pretty birds, about her bower;
Sing, pretty birds, she may not lower;
Ah me! methinks I see her frown!
Ye pretty wantons, warble.

Go tell her through your chirping bills,
As you by me are bidden,
To her is only known my love,
Which from the world is hidden.
Go, pretty birds, and tell her so,
See that your notes strain not too low,
For still methinks I see her frown;
Ye pretty wantons, warble.

Go tune your voices' harmony
And sing, I am her lover;
Strain loud and sweet, that every note
With sweet content may move her:
And she that hath the sweetest voice,
Tell her I will not change my choice:
—Yet still methinks I see her frown!
Ye pretty wantons, warble.

O fly! make haste! see, see, she falls
Into a pretty slumber!
Sing round about her rosy bed
That waking she may wonder:
Say to her, 'tis her lover true
That sendeth love to you, to you!
And when you hear her kind reply,
Return with pleasant warblings.

By Thomas Heywood Circa 157?–1650

~Somebody's Smile~

Somebody smiled and the load I bore,
lighter became than ever before.
The road ahead wasn't nearly as long,
and soon I was singing a joyful song.

Hearing the song, another drew near,
whose heart was anxious and full of fear.
We communed awhile of heavenly things,
till doubt and misgivings had taken wings.

Then each to his task with a prayer and a song,
and a smile on our lips to help others along.
How many were helped? We'll know after while.
but it all began with somebody's smile!

~Alice Hansche Mortenson~


~ The Bluebird's Dream ~

~The Bluebird's Dream ~

A bluebird came down from the sky
and perched beside my head.
He beckoned me to fly with him
and learn from all he said.

So to the skies he carried me,
the whole world his to see,
And only for the moment,
his dreams belonged to me.

One dream was for happiness,
another was for peace.
One was for security,
and one for pain to cease.
,br> I knew his need for freedom,
I knew his need for love,
That pulled him from his humble nest
to tempt the skies above.

But then our flight was over,
I suddenly felt blind,
He would travel on his way,
and I'd be left behind!
"Wait, you can't just leave me here,
I am not that strong.
Won't you share your glory?
Can't I come along?

I've never been so peaceful
as when I dreamed with you.
Tell me how to get there.
Show me what to do."

"I'm glad you shared my dream" he said
"but if you're truly free,
Then you'll send me on my way,
that dream belonged to me.

And somewhere deep down in your soul
is one that's meant for you.
Happiness is waiting,
if you can chase what's true.

Millions more are waiting,
I'll fly to them tonight.
I'll share my dreams,
so send me off,
and wish me love and light.

The miles that stand between us
are smaller than they seem,
I'll always be beside you
if you learn to chase your dreams."

~~Author Unknown~~

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"Original midi composition "
"Willows Wynd"
is used with permission
and is copyright © By Geoff Anderson

Copyright © 2002 Geoff Anderson