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Welcome to Dereth's Designs

Custom Web Design


If you are new to DerethsDesigns, I just want to wish you a warm welcome.
Feel free to browse around! You are most welcome to download
the linkware sets that you find here in exchange for a link back.
I am available for custom work, just email me and we can work together to create what you need.
A special thank you to my clients,
it is such a pleasure to work with you!

Please be aware that nothing on this website is public domain, it is either purchaseware or
linkware, meaning don't take it if you don't want to buy it or provide a link back!

Terms of Use are included with each individual set and on my Terms Page so be sure to read up on those as you look around.

REMEMBER, Contemporary Artist Series sets cannot be purchased..these are for linkware only!

Gallery Of Designs

My Design site is a work in progress! I do have two linkware sets ready for you and hope to have more soon.
Wishing you all the very best for 2004.

I look forward to getting to know you and I hope you enjoy the visit to my site!
Love & hugs! Dereth/Dereths Designs

Web Site Design/Creation costs differ greatly
depending on how small or large the website
you wish created is going to be.

Please contact me for a full quote HERE so we can
discuss your specific needs.

Gallery Of Designs

See my terms HERE and then visit for my design fees .

This set is not available for download.  Be sure to

CONTACT MOON AND BACK for her wonderful designs also.

Custom Background By Moon and Back Graphics

This is a custom background set for Dereth's Designs ~~ Please Do Not Remove any portion of it

On my designs for purchaseware be sure to contact me first to confirm it is available before paying.
Sometimes more than one person will request at the same time and request arrives in the mail at the same time therefore we do not accept payment before confirmation.




Gallery Of Designs


Home Links

Just a note of thanks to my dear friends at Moon and Back,
and Legend Designz, and all who have helped me put together this site.
Without you, I never could have done it.

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İView From The Garden ~ 2002-2004
Web Mistress:  Dereths Designs