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Splender 1


 ~ Hummingbird ~

WHY do you stand on the air
And no sun shining?
How can you hold yourself so still
On raindrops sliding?

They change and fall, they are not steady,
But you do not know they are gone.
Is there a silver wire
I cannot see?
Is the wind your perch?

Raindrops slide down your little shoulders . . .
They do not wet you:
I think you are not real
In your green feathers!

You are not a humming-bird at all
Standing on air above the garden!
I dreamed you the way I dream fairies,
Or the flower I lost yesterday!

~Author Unknown~



"Original midi composition "
"Voice of the Flowers"
is used with permission
and is copyright © By Geoff Anderson

Copyright © 2002 Geoff Anderson

~ The Bluebird's Dream ~

~The Bluebird's Dream ~

A bluebird came down from the sky
and perched beside my head.
He beckoned me to fly with him
and learn from all he said.

So to the skies he carried me,
the whole world his to see,
And only for the moment,
his dreams belonged to me.

One dream was for happiness,
another was for peace.
One was for security,
and one for pain to cease.
,br> I knew his need for freedom,
I knew his need for love,
That pulled him from his humble nest
to tempt the skies above.

But then our flight was over,
I suddenly felt blind,
He would travel on his way,
and I'd be left behind!
"Wait, you can't just leave me here,
I am not that strong.
Won't you share your glory?
Can't I come along?

I've never been so peaceful
as when I dreamed with you.
Tell me how to get there.
Show me what to do."

"I'm glad you shared my dream" he said
"but if you're truly free,
Then you'll send me on my way,
that dream belonged to me.

And somewhere deep down in your soul
is one that's meant for you.
Happiness is waiting,
if you can chase what's true.

Millions more are waiting,
I'll fly to them tonight.
I'll share my dreams,
so send me off,
and wish me love and light.

The miles that stand between us
are smaller than they seem,
I'll always be beside you
if you learn to chase your dreams."

~~Author Unknown~~

Here are a few seeds companies you can contact or
go on the web and order free catalogs from:

Stokes Seed Company at 1-800-478-7233
The Cook's Garden 1-800-457-9703
Tomato Growers Supply Co. 1-888-478-7333
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange 1-540-894-9480
Pinetree Garden Seeds 1-888-527-3337
Nichols Garden Nursery 1-800-422-3985
Territorial Seed Company 1-541-942-9547
Totally Tomatoes 1-800-345-5977
Vermont Bean Seed Company 1-800-349-1071