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"Original midi composition "
"Summer Dawn"
is used with permission
and is copyright © By Geoff Anderson

Copyright © 2002 Geoff Anderson

~Bygone Summers~

In the meadow where I sat with wildflowers all around
My hand reached out to touch the velvet softness I had found
Deep within my bosom a peacefullness had settled
Tranquil were my thoughts as I sat there in the meadow

Sunflowers and bluejays, warmth against my face
Golden memories drifting through my mind of another place
Children running barefoot, rocks to climb and hide
Cousins that I love so much, now grown, spread far and wide

Listening to the crickets, churning ice cream on the porch
Playing hide and seek at night, not afraid of the dark
Childish faces grinning , peanut butter fudge
Memories of bygone summers, memories of love

"The Softest Kind Of Poetry" Used with Permission
Copyright © 2002
All Rights Reserved.


Memories fluttering around my head of days of yesteryears.
Lost days of childhood joys and tears.
Where is the yesteryears that has sped so fast?
Why am I now living in the past?

I'm sitting here in solitude , I'm waiting for something..
Oh yes... I'm waiting for you.
I'm reminiscing of friends of old
when we were young and oh so bold.

Names are forgotten.. faces faded
But we lived a life that was sated.
Who was that girl with jacks I played?
A rope we jumped that was so frayed.

My best friend lived next door
We were friends since the age of four.
Where is she.. where has she gone?
Has she someone or is she alone?

Where is the boy I thought I loved?
He was my heart and stars above.
Did he marry and have a good life?
With children and a loving wife?

Stop the time and let me sit beside my bed
Don't lay me down to rest my head.
I have some time before I go.
Please hold my hand ..I'm so cold.

Oh do you see.. there is my friend shes beckoning to me.
Come she say's let's run in the breeze.
She takes my hand and we fly away
to forever play in yesteryear day.

~Betty Woodard~

Copyright © 2001, Betty Woodard, All Rights Reserved.

Used With Permission.

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Artwork © John O'Brien titled:
Summer Afternoon

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and is for your listening enjoyment only.

Artwork © John O'Brien
Font-Balmoral D