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~ Summer's Rose ~



A Summer Day

The sea swam in sunlight
as gulls flew over head.
Beaches rocked gently,
the waves in their bed.

Roses bloomed shyly,
kept growing in size,
as they reached with their petals
up to the skies.

The waves slapped the shoreline,
splashing on rocks,
washing the children
who played on the docks.

And the roses sent a fragrance
into the air,
so, fresh and fulfilling
that none could compare.

The still and the quiet
of this warm afternoon,
belonged to contentment,
ended too soon!

February 19, 1970
By Linda A. Copp ©
Used With Permission

<BGSOUND SRC="images/MargiHarrell-TheRose.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


"Original midi composition "
"The Rose"
is used with permission
and is copyright © By Margi Harrell


Copyright © 2002 Margi Harrell

Make Your Heart a Garden

Make your heart a garden
where things take root and bloom.
Accept the fact that some must die
in Autumn's afternoon.

Accept the the weight and cold of snow
that falls in Winter's night.
It melts away in Spring's sweet thaw
on mornings filled with light.

All time is not a summer
Nature gives and bends.
Your heart will bloom in bursts of song
you think will never end.

The melodies come pouring out
like sweet wine from the glass.
But gradually theses tunes will change-
how true- all things must pass.

But don't neglect your garden.
Please keep it free of weeds,
and make the soil rich and loose
so life can plant its seeds.

Make your heart a garden
where love can grow and bloom,
and stop to smell the roses
on a Summer afternoon.

Copyright © 9/1/91
Used With Permission

Lil Kitty

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23 June 2002.

All graphics on this page are © of Lil Kitty, 2001-2002.