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By Barry William Metcalf

The gentle lapping of tiny waves
Upon rocks and shells and sand;
The wafting breeze that caresses my cheeks,
Fanning my body from heat and sun.

The perfect sky of blue so clear
And the sea of emerald green;
The air so fresh and clean and pure,
Free from the city's pollutants.

Sailboards flitting like butterflies
Across the surface of the sea,
Multicoloured wings gliding to and fro,
Paying homage to the wind.

Boats that bob in time with tide,
Masts tilting in the sun;
Other craft that weave and leap
As waves they seek to ride.

Gulls in the distance circling,
Excited by tempting human scraps;
And young lovers playing games
Of courtship, love and lust.

Children digging, building castles
With spade and bucket and hands,
Or jumping waves that threaten to wet
While screaming out with joy.

Kites buzzing up above the sand,
Their lives controlled by strings,
Diving, soaring, tugging to be free,
To ride the winds at will.

If only these joyous splendours of nature
Could be mine for all of time;
Ah, but that this quiet solitude
Could last for all my days to come.

© 2001 Barry William Metcalf
~Barry William Metcalf~
Used With Permission


Light it springs eternal
As waves crash on the sand
Beacon of all hopefulness
Extending with God's Hand

Guardian of friendship
Reflecting all the way
Storms in life will gather
Light won't fade away

Peace to those in sadness
Who need a special guide
Light in all it's beauty
Within your life reside

Darkness has a glow now
Light for those distressed
Reaching destination
Life be always blessed

Gentle glow that's present
Within our very soul
Holding on with all we have
Light's beacon will console

Light to always guide you
To bring you to the shore
Filling you with peacefulness
This love will now restore

Storms forever gathered
Within the darkest night
Light in all it's splendor
Warmth with such delight

Rainbows cross the ocean
Reflecting love supplied
Myriad of colors
Each storm of life subside.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
©used with permission
Read more of her poetry




"Original midi composition "
"Light Keeper"
is used with permission
and is copyright © By Geoff Anderson

Copyright © 2002 Geoff Anderson










The Painting:
The painting is ©James C. Behlen, Jr. and used with his permission,
EXCLUSIVELY by Moon And Back.  Thank you Mr. Behlen!

The Midi: Light Keeper

The midi is ~©Geoff Anderson, and used with his permission.
  To visit his site click HERE.  He even
has wonderful CDs of his original compositions for sale.

~The Lighthouse~


Mr. Behlen's Gallery:




The font is Chaucer

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