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~ Lil Kitty Linkware Graphics - When You Wish Upon a Star ~ <BGSOUND SRC="" LOOP=INFINITE>

~ Wish Upon A Star ~

When I wish upon a star
I wish you didn't live so far.
Those friendly hugs from space
May put a smile upon my face.
But, I'd rather have you standing here
Where I could feel that hug, my dear.
For I could use your warm embrace
And see the smile upon your face.
So, when I wish upon a star,
I only wish you didn't live so far.

Copyright © Kate E.
© 2002 used with permission


An Angel came to me last night
In a dream all dressed in white
Her wings had a very soft glow
Like the moonlight on the snow,

Sometimes I wonder, yet I should know
These dreams I have, as I still grow
Do others have dreams like this
I hope so, dreams I would miss

An Angel came to me last night
In a dream, a soft glowing light
This Angel whispered in my ear
Then these dreams became so clear

Pass this message along to others
Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers
To everyone, even those you don't know
Then this dream will begin to grow

An Angel came to me last night
In a dream, what a beautiful sight
As I wake, I remember what I was told
I share this dream, even if the world may seem cold

There are Angels around us and in our dreams
How they get there they have their means
Remember always where they are, they are there
They give us thoughts that we must share

An Angel came to me in a dream
All dressed in white, all seems so clean
When I awake, the world I must tell
If on the tallest building I must climb and yell

In our dreams Angels do come
Maybe not to all, but to some
They pass along a message made ever so clear
Telling us to be good to others, every day of every year

An Angel came to me last night
I pass along this message because it is right
Show Love towards others, young and old
Everyone needs someone special to hold

~Copyright © B. F. Albert 2000-2002~

"An Angel Came to Me Last Night"

Holding you tight
Today and tonight
From my heart ever so true
Here's a Hug , from me to you

Thought of and Created

Midi Playing:"Papillon-Butterfly by Bruce deBoer"
by Yama

~Copyright © B. F. Albert 2000-2002~

"An Angel Came to Me Last Night"




She came to me in a dream one night
Her arms were feathered, disguised in white
Gossamer wisps of ornate yarns
Woven round her body's form.

A mystic world reached out to me
My eyes looked up, I could not see
Colors swirled in distant darkness
Leaving reflections carved like an artist.

Shooting stars framed the royal night
I was caught in the midst of a dream odyssey flight
I felt the music, rather than heard
The vibrations raced through my blood like a sword

Distant echos reached my mind
Hot sparks flew from deep inside
She reached and touched me, I felt the pain
Hot needles shot through my every vein.

Sharp and keen the blade of love
Ravaged bodies wrapped in hugs
Caught in flight,suspended there
A flame of love,not distant....near

Copyright by Sand- 1998-2000
Visit Sand's The Softest Kind of Love

© 1998-99-2000-2001
Sand is the author of original poetry
and thoughts on this page.
NOTE: These original writings are copyrighted
and may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed
in any way or form without the author's
expressed and written permission

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Angel Dereth Magdalena!

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