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Texas Prairie DOG


The pictures below are from the Gathering of the Clubs weekend at Fairfield State Park.  Some of the clubs represented are: LSDOS - members from North Texas Prairie chapter & Smoking Pots chapter; TOWN, various fly-fishing clubs - members from Ft. Worth, Dallas and Texas Women's Fly Fishing clubs and the Two Bugs.

A special thanks to all who cooked for the fish fry on Saturday night - Ann Carr, Butch Mize, Jim Lewis, Peggy Tombs, Irene & Jerry Martin, Vivian Peterson and Stephanie Chester.

Click on picture to see a larger version of each picture.

Lone Star Dutch Oven Society Two Bugs Jim Lewis' set up
Butch Mize's set up Chocolate Cheesecake Honorary "Prairie Dog"
How many Pots can we cook at one time? Candied Sweet Potatoes Marinated Pork Loin
Steph's Oven Chicken Ann cutting the Pork Loin Jim's Pork Loin & Vegetables
Serving the Chocolate Cheesecake    

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