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AT 420 Sentinel

This multitubed missle laucher is intended for use against armored vehicles or helicopters. Only use this weapon in your showdown with the attack helicopter in Mission 10.

Capacity: 4 Rounds
Damage: Very High
Range: Very High
Ammunition: Missiles

Delta 900 Mag

Pump action crossbow with detachable magazine. Designed for the hunting market, the Delta 900 is also an effective sniping weapon.

Capacity: 5 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Medium
Ammunition: Bolts

Deutsche M45

This heavy-caliber submachine gun sacrifices rate of fire for more stopping power.

Capacity: 25 Rounds
Damage: Medium
Range: Medium
Ammunition: .45 ACP

Deutsche M95

Silenced submachine gun with a telescopic sight. Designed for covert missions. Alternate fire is laser targeted, but single shot only.

Capacity: 30 Rounds
Damage: Low
Range: Medium
Ammunition: 9 mm

Deutsche SA90

Automatic sniper rifle with powerful sights. Capable of semi-automatic fire, this is designed for military use.

Capacity: 20 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Very High
Ammunition: 7.62 mm

Frag Grenade

A hand grenade that contains tiny explosive pieces, once exploded pieces shatter through the room or field at a 15 meter radius.

Capacity: 1 Round
Damage: Very High
Range: Low
Ammunition: Grenade

Frinesi Special 12

A shotgun with antomatic-fire capabilities, the Frinesi is capable of dropping an opponent with one blast, but lacks accuracy from long range.

Capacity: 8 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Ammunition: 12 Gauge

GL 40

Single shot grenade launcher. Usually these grenades explode in impact, but on an alternate fire they explode after a five second delay.

Capacity: 1 Rounds
Damage: Very High
Range: High
Ammunition: 40 mm

Ingalls Type 20

The Ingalls Type 20 is heavy machine pistol with a high rate of fire that comes complete witha silencer. Use this when you want to be stealthy.

Capacity: 30 Rounds
Damage: Medium
Range: Medium
Ammunition: .45 ACP


This high-powered antipersonnel device has terrific range, but a very slow reloading time. With a full clip, it can be very effective for clearing out large numbers of enemies.

Capacity: 50 Rounds
Damage: Medium
Range: High
Ammunition: 5.7mm

Meyer Bullpnp

The Meyer Bullpnp is a compact and highly accurate rifle. Its telescopic sight makes it a great weapon to use from a distance.

Capacity: 30 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: High
Ammunition: 5.6mm

Meyer TMP

The Meyer TMP is a small machine gun with a high rate of fire. Though its damage is low, it is very reliable from a distance.

Capacity: 25 Rounds
Damage: Low
Range: Medium
Ammunition: 9mm

Mustany .44

.44 Magnum revolver from Mustang industries, popular with big game hunters. Slow to fire and reload, this pistol has impressive range and stopping power.

Capacity: 6 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Medium
Ammunition: .44 Mag

Mustany MAR-4

Fast firing assault rifle carbine manufactured by Mustang industries for the US Military. Alternate fire is 3 round burst.

Capacity: 30 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: High
Ammunition: 5.56 mm

Mustany MAR-4GL

A Mustang MAR-4 fitted with a grenade launcher.

Capacity: 30 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: High
Ammunition: 5.56 mm

Raptor Magnum

The Magnum is a large, powerful, semiautomatic pistol. Because of the heavy-caliber rounds, the Magnum holds fewer rounds than a standard firearm such as the P2K. In alternate fire mode, it is even more accurate, though slightly slower to reload.

Capacity: 8 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Ammunition: .44 Mag

RL 22

Disposable anti-tank rocket launcher. Very damaging but must be discarded after a single use.

Capacity: 1 Round
Damage: Very High
Range: Very High
Ammunition: Rockets

Seamaster Seagun

Double-barrelled speargun suitable for underwater use. Barrels can be fired singly or both together.

Capacity: 2 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Ammunition: Spears

Soviet KA-57

This heavy assault rifle is the stndard issue weapon for the Russian military. It has excellent stopping power, but limited accuracy.

Capacity: 30 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: High
Ammunition: 7.62mm

Sticky Grenade

A very damaging, highly explosive grenade that will stick onto any surface. Once the pin is pulled, you have exactly 5 seconds to get away from the grenade.

Capacity: 1 Round
Damage: Very High
Range: Low
Ammunition: Grenade

Stun Grenade

These are used to disorientate and subdue targets rather than do permanent damage, generating 1,000,000 candela of light and 175 decibels of noise. This will cause 5-15 seconds of disorientation to anyone within 30 feet.

Capacity: 1 Round
Damage: Stun
Range: Low
Ammunition: Grenade

Suisse SSR 4000

Designed for covert missions, this is a superbly accurate sniper rifle with a silencer and telescopic sight. However, the bolt action makes it slow to fire and reload.

Capacity: 5 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Very High
Ammunition: 7.62mm

Watch: Dart

What looks like a normal wristwatch is actually a concealed dart gun. It is intended for covert itfiltration missions, and it fires small tranquilizer darts capable of dropping your target on the spot. Use it when nonlethal force is necessary.

Capacity: N/A
Damage: N/A
Range: Very Low
Ammunition: Darts

Watch: Stunner

Also contained in your wristwatch is a low-powered elecric cable weapon. The Stunner temporarily immobilizes targets without inflicting permanent damage.

Capacity: 100 Charges
Damage: Very Low
Range: Very Low
Ammunition: Charges

Wolfram P2K

The P2K is your standard issue firearm. It's lightweight, efficient, and comes witha silencer.

Capacity: 16 Rounds
Damage: Low
Range: Low
Ammunition: 9mm