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  • Posing about the same time XWF began
  • Posing with the XWF Intercontinental Title
  • In the ring, looking at the camera, before my match
  • Delivering a Russian leg sweep to Scrabble
  • Posing with the XWF Intercontinental Title, looking down at the camera
  • Giving Scribble a powerbomb
  • Sending The Enter Sandman over the top of the cage
  • The Xtreme Splash to The Enter Sandman on the outside
  • Holding the XWF World Heavyweight Title
  • Trading punches with The Enter Sandman
  • The Xtreme Splash to The Enter Sandman off a table
  • A conchairto with The Enter Sandman to The Russian
  • Grabbing for the XWF World Tag Team Titles with The Enter Sandman
  • Shaking hands with some of the XWF roster
  • Hitting a Rock Bottom on Jack Smith
  • Making Jack Smith tap out to the Walls of Jericho
  • Posing with my newly won CCW Hardcore Title
  • Making my way to the ring with my CCW Hardcore Title
  • Posing with my CCW Hardcore Title
  • Posing with my CCW Hardcore Title again
  • Holding up Bombastic Ben for a suplex
  • Walking off still CCW Hardcore Champion
  • Posing with my CCW Hardcore Title and CCW World Heavyweight Title
  • Posing with my CCW World Heavyweight Title
  • Applying the Crippler Crossface on Kid Cowboy
  • With a Boston Crab on Kid Cowboy
  • Walking off still CCW World Heavyweight Champion
  • Facing off against Pantera in the ring
  • Posing with my CCW World Heavyweight Title
  • Giving Soldier-Hybrid a knee to the mid-section
  • Delivering a DDT to Soldier-Hybrid
  • Posing with my newly won CCW Hardcore Title
  • Locking Kid Cowboy in the Crippler Crossface
  • Posing with his newly won CCW World Heavyweight Title
  • Delivering a super kick to Rage
  • Posing with my CCW World Heavyweight Title
  • Posing for the camera before my match
  • With a flying double axhandle
  • Posing with my CCW World Heavyweight Title and CCW Hardcore Title
  • Delivering a big kick to Jack Smith
  • Posing for the camera
  • Executing an Angle Slam on Jiggly Hooter
  • Walking away still CCW World Heavyweight Champion
  • Delivering a Swanton Bomb on Samsonite
  • Executing a Moonsault on Jiggly Hooter
  • Moments after The Xtreme Game gets busted open
  • Off the top of a ladder with The Xtreme Splash
  • Walks away still CCW World Heavyweight Champion
  • Hitting a big splash off the ladder on The Enter Sandman
  • Delivering a Van Daminator to The Enter Sandman
  • Nailing The Enter Sandman over the head with a chair
  • Posing with my XWF 24/7 Title
  • Hitting a spin kick off the ladder on The Enter Sandman
  • Delivering The Xtreme Splash off the ladder to The Enter Sandman
  • Posing with my XWF World Heavyweight Title

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