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Family information




Charles Curtis Morris was born November 7, 1815 in North Carolina. He married Lucretia Young who was born April 12, 1821. Lucretia's parents were Ezekiel Young who died in 1827 and Rebecca McFarland (later Rebecca Scott) who died in 1853. ezekiel Young is also said to have a Stone mill and also made gunpowder for the community. According to th story, Charles Curtis Morris was a tax collector and a wealthy man who could read and write. He owned several hundred acres of land, operated a still and a blacksmith shop. On June 14, 1884 Charles had attended an evening church service and renewed his faith in Christ. The following day as he went to collect taxes, he left his gun at home. On that day, June 14, he was shot and beaten to death with fence rails by a disgruntled tax payer and his son. Grayson Close and his son Gabriel were tried four times for murder, but were never convicted. The still was reportedly carried to Texas where is supposedly located on the homeplace of Charles' son, E.Y. Morris near De Leon Texas.

Charles Curtis and Lucretia Young Morris' son was Ezekiel Young Morris.


Ezekiel Young Morris was born May 25, 1842 in Greene County Kentucky. He married Nancy Jane Warren in 1865 or 1866. Nancy Jane was born June 4, 1845, the daughter of Rev. Hezekiah Warren, a baptist minister. Just after the two married they left for Texas around 1867. Ezekiel shared ownership of a horse that was purchased in Galveston, and is believed to have helped build Fort Griffin, north of Albany in Shackelford County Texas. This Fort was built in 1867. Between 1867-1872 he homesteaded in Kansas until the grasshoppers "ate him out". At this point he returned to Texas and then went back to Kentucky. In 1877 he and his wife Nancy traversed the trail again to Texas taking seven weeks to make the trip by wagon train. By this time they had three children. One of their daughters, born in Green County Kentucky in 1876, was my great grandmother Mary Young Morris. Mary married

Joseph Louis Vaughn

Ezekiel Young Morris owned a great deal of land north of De Leon Texas. He was able to leave much of that land to his children upon his passing. The Morris family is still very well known in the area. Ezekiel Morris and his wife Nancy Jane Warren Morris are buried in the Oliver Springs cemetery North of the St. Joe Community, just outside DeLeon Texas.

Some of the children of Ezekiel and Nancy were Bill Morris, Tom Morris, Charlie Morris, and Mary Young Morris Vaughn.

At this time this is all the info that I have on this family. If you have any information that would connect to this family please feel free to email me at the link below. Special thanks to Mary Helen Hewitt for the above information. Thanks!

Click Here to email Jack McGehee


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