Uknown Pictures
Can you help us identify these people?
( If you have dial up, or a slower connection you will have to give the pictures time to upload)
The following pictures belonged to the eldest daughter of Joseph Louis Vaughn, and were in the possession of his eldest daughters family. We do not know who they are other than the notations you find beneath them.
The following
two pictures, were taken at the home of Ethel Young Vaughn
Holdridge, the second to last child of Joseph Louis Vaughn.
However, neither Ethel nor any member of her immediate family
(husband or daughter) can be seen in the photos. This picture was
taken about 1950. It is obvious that the man standing in the
middle in this picture with the dark tie on is the
center of this gathering.
The man
second from the left side of this photo (near the corner of the
standing in the back is Frank McCrum.
Frank is the son in law of Joseph Louis Vaughn. Frank's husband
is J.L. Vaughn's eldest
daughter Mary Allice Vaughn McCrum.
The woman
standing on the far right of this picture in the spotted dress is
Mary Alice McCrum,
eldest daughter of Joseph Louis Vaughn.
Two unknown ladies?
Any ideas? We'll dance a jig if you can tell us!
If you can tell us who these people are please contact