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Tarrant County Walkers | Foster Park Flyer | TCW Photo Album | Lenore's Walk Diary | Email Me

Foster Park YRE
Ft. Worth, TX

The walk starts at a Tom Thumb Grocery Store. We're out in the parking lot getting ready to walk.

The walk route crosses a creek where I spotted this blue heron.

We crossed the bridge directly above the heron and it didn't fly away.

This city street with a bicycle lane and lots of shade made nice walking.

After the residential section we followed this nice paved hike/bike trail along the creek.

Some of the homes backing up to the hike/bike trail had gates and stairs (which makes a nice resting area).

Paved trail gave way to asphalt, but we're still following the creek.

Notice Lenore's red neck scarf. It is filled with crystals that absorb water and feel like jello. These scarves really help keep you cool in the hot summer.

This bridge isn't on the walk route, later on we do cross a bridge that looks a lot like this one.

Just past the checkpoint the trail turns to a dirt path.

We still had lots of shade and it's about 11am. We will have another section of nice residential homes and then we return along the trail to the start.

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