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PCG's Services and Specialties

Your Advocate for Home Building and Renovation
Home construction is probably one of the most expensive projects most of us will undertake in our lifetime. Most people lose tens of thousands of dollars during the construction or renovation of their home. WHY? Because they don't understand the many facets of the construction process and incorrectly expect and hope that everyone involved will do their job and do what's best for the homeowner.
PCG operates as an advocate for the homeowner in the home building process, assisting on an as-needed basis to provide guidance and expertise as a means of by-passing the numerous potential pitfalls inherent in any construction or renovation project. PCG’s goal is to help homeowners protect their investment!
PCG offers a wide variety of special services to the homeowner throughout the construction process and beyond. Contact us now to find out more information on how PCG can help you protect your investment in your home.

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