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U. S. Navy Sea Cadet Corp

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In Memoriam

Gary W. Neisz

Commanding Officer

Worcester (CL 144) Division

U.S. Naval Sea Cadets

2000 to 2004


Gary Neisz served as the third Commanding Officer of Worcester (CL 144) Division of the U.S.  Naval Sea Cadets from June 2000 until his death in February 2004.  A decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, Gary devoted his life to the service of his country and its citizens.  He was highly active in the Marine Corps Toys for Tot program and served as the Director of the Family Support Advocacy Program at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Center Worcester, Massachusetts.  Gary’s influence on the Sea Cadets was wide reaching.  Through his efforts, the division became one of the hallmark units in the New England Region and the Nation.  In his honor, the Gary Neisz Memorial Scholarship was established in 2004.  Each year a graduating cadet from Worcester (CL 144) Division who best displays the traits of Honor, Courage and Commitment will receive this scholarship.  It is a fitting tribute to man who gave so much, and asked for nothing in return.