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Hedwig at Eyelops Owl Emporium

Shops & Services by Type

Individual shops and services may fall into more than one category.

 Artisan Shops  Beauty Shops & Body Art  Book Shops  Caricatures
   Gryffindor Glassworks    Fleur's Salon de Beauté    Divination Den    Caricatures
   The Potter's Wheel    Gilderoy Lockhart's Beauty Shop    Flourish & Blotts
   Knockturn Alley Tattoos    Hogwarts Library
   The Lion's Den

 Clothing Shops  Fortune Tellers  House Shops  Jewelry Shops
   The Cat's Hats    Divination Den    Gryffindor House Shop    The Chess King
   Fantasyland Fashions    Hufflepuff House Shop    Gringotts Mint
   Feathers & Fur    Ravenclaw House Shop    Gryffindor Glassworks
   Madame Malkin's Robes    Slytherin House Shop    Herb & Crystal's
   The Scotch Shoppe    The Scotch Shoppe
   Warner Bros. Studio Store    The Sorcerer's Stone
   House Shops (See at Right)    Talismans & Trinkets

 Joke Shops  Park Services  Photographers  Post Offices & Messages
   Gambol & Japes Wizarding Jokes    London Phones    The Daily Prophet    Eyelops Owl Emporium
   Zonko's Joke Shop    Lost Muggles    HP Photo Central    Her Majesty's Royal Post Office
     Package Pickup    Photo Finish    Owl Post Service Godric's Hollow
     Owl Post Service Hogsmeade
     Owl Post Service Headquarters

 Souvenir Shops  Stuffed Animal Shops Wizard Supply   Shops
   London Souvenirs    The Creature Shop    The Apothecary    Gryffindor Glassworks
   Warner Bros. Studio Store    Eyelops Owl Emporium    Borgin & Burkes    Herb & Crystal's
   Magical Menagerie    Cauldrons & Candles    Ollivanders
   Dervish & Banges    The Potter's Wheel
   Divination Den    Quality Quidditch Supplies
   Flourish & Blotts    Talismans & Trinkets

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