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Brits vs. Yanks

    It has come to the attention of the Hogwarts faculty that the discussion about the future location of Harry Potter's World of Magic Theme Park should be located has evolved on occasion into a rather heated debate. And while no one blames participants on either side of the Atlantic for casting their vote for the city of their choice, or for providing compelling reasons for doing so, we see no reason to employ tasteless stereotypes or nation bashing. 
    Luckily, we have been able to edit out some of the really nasty stuff, thanks to our Quick-Quotes Quill. If this behavior continues, however, we may start sending offenders to detention. But before resorting to such extreme measures, Hogwarts professors past and present offer their advice in the hopes of dissuading perpetrators from making further inappropriate comments:

Headmaster Dumbledore
Hogwarts Headmaster
I cannot make you see the truth, but surely you must know that all this pointless squabbling will get us nowhere. If we are to accomplish our task, we must work together to support the erection of the first theme park at any location that its builders deem fit. Once that has been accomplished, we can focus on additional locations. The first step is to unite against the evil financial wizards who oppose us!


Professor Snape
Potions Master
Sniveling idiots! If it were up to me, I would place the theme park in Japan and teach you all a good lesson! Or better yet, why not next to Azkaban? That way, when you are one day imprisoned in that cruel fortress, as you surely will be, your pitiful dreams constantly scrutinized by heartless Dementors, the theme park you dreams will be within view, ever so close, yet eternally out of reach!!!


Professor Lockhart
Former DADA Professor
Children, children! No need to pretend! I know why you're all in such a tizzy over the future location of our little theme park. Why, you simply desire to be close to me! Now, don't pretend otherwise. It's impossible to resist my stunning good looks and my winning smile. You yearn to buy my beauty products, take my photo, and have me sign my Magical Me book covers. Alas, if only there were two of me!


Professor Trelawney
Divination Professor
My Inner Eye reveals that the outlook for the theme park location of your desires is not good. I have been crystal gazing, and I saw the future location of this park. It is to be built in a village in the Peruvian Andes, but sadly, it will be destroyed shortly after its opening by torrential floods and a series of unforecasted hurricanes. So sorry to disappoint you, my dears!


Professor Moody
Mad-Eye Moody
There are those who would oppose our efforts to have a theme park built. They would see us overlooked, ridiculed, imprisoned! Stinking cowards! I'll turn them all into ferrets if they try to stop us! But I'll not let them divide and conquer us! I've got my Foe Glass handy, and a few other tricks up my sleeves, too. So remember ... CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
 Professor McGonagall
How dare you! Arguing and bickering among yourselves...! Mr. Filch says you've been hurling insults and curses at each other in these very hallways. I thought this theme park meant more to you. You will receive detention if it happens again!


Professor Flitwick
My heavens! Can't anyone see that this sort of dispute could be resolved very simply with the help of a simple charm? All one needs is a bit of floo powder or a portkey, and students can very easily travel to the theme park location wherever it may be.


Professor Binns
This theme park story of which you speak is a preposterous, ridiculous tale. It's all a load of nonsense. There never has been any such theme park, and there never will be. And to speak of such a place ever being opened to the public is simply ridiculous.


Professor Quirrell
P-p-please stop yelling. I c-can't take it any more. I d-d-don't know what it is you want from m-me. I haven't d-done anything. Why do you want to t-talk to me about this right n-n-now, of all times? Can't you just leave me in p-peace?


Madam Hooch
Well, what are you all waiting for? There's only one way to settle this argument: On the Quidditch field. Come on, get your brooms. Let's get it out in the open. The Brits vs. the Yanks at 11 o'clock. I'll referee. See you there, and don't forget your robes.

To cast your vote for a Harry Potter's World of Magic Theme Park location, and add your own very politely worded comments, click here.
