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You must be an official house member in order to submit assignments.
Please include your name and house and send your assignment to Professor Black via owl.


Sirius Black

Assignment due July 30 , 2004

Greetings Students,
For the last assignment, we analized other people's characteristics and linked them to animals. This time, i would like you to do the same, but for yourself.  Annalize your personality or even ask your friends what they think you are like. And then link those traits to creatures. I want you to figure out what animal you are like the most. But do not simply choose an animal because you like it. I want you to carefully recognize yourself, your strengths and  your weaknesses. This will further help you in becoming an excellent animagus.
Tip : remember that every creature has a strength and a weakness like you. Even a small creature can be very strong or a large one -  weak.
You will be marked out of 35 points.
Sirius Black

Reminder - those who do well in my assignments will be eligible to be trained by me to become registered animagi's.

Submit your assignment to Professor Black via owl by tapping your wand on his name. Don't forget to include your name and house when you send him your assignment. You may only submit an assignment if you are an official house member.
