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Advanced Spellcraft

You must be an official house member in order to submit assignments.
Please include your name and house and send your assignment to Professor Salvatori owl.

Advanced Spellcraft

Eohamri Salvatorei

Assignment due July 30, 2004

Advanced Spellcraft

Shaking his head in disbelief, he handed back the stunning three papers he got back. "It seems that Naja, Namida and Lauren are the only students I have as of now. I had two others but one disappeared without a trace and the other dismissed." He closed his eyes and took a few steps toward the desks, handing the papers back with a solom look on his face. Finally, when his eyes re-opened, he drew in a deep breath and began to speak again. "I won't sugar-coat this at all. My class is not doing as well as I hoped. Students here lack the motivation they need to become great wizards and for that I am worried." Obviously stressed, he shook his head. "But I will not gripe to you. You that are present now and have been since the first day are my best students and a teacher could ask for no more. I am proud of each of you and I can only hope that I can help you grow. So thank you all for being here."

He remained silent for a moment and then, as though refreshed, he turned back to his small classroom and spoke in a clearer and more awakened voice. "Our lesson today is going to be an extension of what we talked about in the last one. Now, if you will remember all of the alignments you defined, you will find them to be useful in this assignment." He passed by their tables and dropped a medium-thick packet onto each desk. "Within this packet you will find twenty wizarding classes - types of wizards if you will. I want you to read about each wizarding class and using your knowledge of the alignments, assign an alignment to each class." Upon seeing the worried face of Naja, he laughed. "Don't worry, I will accept a wrong answer and still award points for it if you explain why you think a class is a particular alignment. Each correct or accepted answer is worth 10 points each - a grand total of 200 points - for your house. The reasoning behind this madness? This assignment is very hard. At least I think it is."

He opened the packet to the first page. "You'll see here that your choices are Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, True Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil, Neutral Good, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Evil, Any Good or Any Evil. I will accept answers that are one alignment apart, for example, if you say that a Might Weaver (not mentioned in this packet) is Lawful Good when one is really Chaotic Good, I will accept the answer if you explain why you think this class if lawful good. However, If you say that he is any of the neutral classes or evil classes regardless of an explaination, I will mark it wrong unless you convince me the reasons for your choice and then you get half credit. Got it?" He awaited for a few moments before walking over to his desk. "Have fun with this assignment, all the information is provided and if you need any help, just ask for it. You all know where to reach me. Oh... and before you are all dismissed, I am extra credit that is worth 20 points now available." He dismissed them, and through all this talk of all these possibilities to gain points, he still wondered why his class was so small...

Assignment Due July 30th

Assign alignments to the classes found in the packet provided.



Submit your assignment to Professor Salvatori via owl by tapping your wand on his name. Don't forget to include your name and house when you send him your assignment. He can and will dispose of assignments without the student's name and house. You may only submit an assignment if you are an official house member.
