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Bravo!  Excellent!

You knew that the correct answer was:

a. le train express
(the Express train, e.g. the Hogwarts Express)

The incorrect answers, as you well know, are:

b. transplaner Apparation is forbidden in most wizarding schools and on their grounds, and there are many protective spells which prevent it. Likewise, disapparation from schools is also impossible.
c. une voiture volante A flying car would be a most unreliable method of transportation to school because, being both illegal and likely to arouse the suspicion of Muggles, it would probably result in your suspension.
d. de la poudre de cheminette Floo powder does not work when traveling to schools, which have protective spells on all their chimneys. Those trying to get to school using floo powder end up in the most distasteful places.
e. le magicobus The Knight Bus cannot stop at wizarding schools without special permission. The closest you could get to Hogwarts would be to leap out the door while passing through the Forbidden Forest.

Now, on to the next question:

Question Two: You have an test in Défense contre les forces du mal tomorrow. Which of the following beasts and spirits will probably not appear on the exam?

a.  le loup-garou
b.  la momie
c.  l'elfe de maison
d.  le vampire
e.  le sphinx
