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Superbe!  Superb!

You chose the correct answer :

f. le Basilic
(the Basilisk)

The following responses were incorrect :

a. le Pitiponk Frail in appearance, the Hinkypunk is deceptively dangerous. It is fond of luring travelers into marshes and bogs, and then eating them. Its flesh resembles smoke, and it is not even remotely related to snakes.
b. le Strangulot The Grindylow is a water demon known for its aggressive behavior and its strong grasp. With long, brittle fingers and pointed horns, it in no way resembles a serpent.
c. le Sinistros The Grim resembles a black dog, but is merely an apparition. It appears to an individual shortly before his death, and is therefore considered to be an omen of some fatal incident in the near future.
d. le Détraqueur The Dementor is the much feared guard of Azkaban that feeds upon hope and destroys the human soul. Its shape is vaguely reminiscent of a human's, but it is terrifying to behold.
e. l'Épouvantard The Boggart is a spirit who takes on the form of that which an individual fears most. Though it may assume the form of a serpent, if that is one's greatest fear, it is itself formless.

Now for the next question :

Question Seven : You have just heard a rumor about un cambriolage at Gringotts. To which of the following sources should you turn for timely, accurate information?

a.  le Guide des Créatures nuisibles
b.  la Gazette du sorcier
c.  le Journal intime de Jedusor
d.  le Mensuel de la Métamorphose
e.  Balai-Magazine
