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Félicitations!  Congratulations!

You aced the test by selecting the correct response on your final question :

c. un mandragore
(a mandrake)

The incorrect answers were as follows :

a. un Saule cogneur Not only would a Whomping Willow not cure your friend, it would probably put you in the hospital wing -- with broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a fractured wrist -- as well.
b. une citrouille A pumpkin might be just the thing if you're in the mood for a glass of refreshing pumpkin juice, but it won't bring anyone out of a basilic-induced state of petrification.
d. un Filet de diable A Devil's snare would be the perfect way to do your friend in for good. If you wish to save your classmate's life as well as your own, you should avoid this plant entirely.
e. une Tentacula vénéneuse The scarlet blooms of the Venomous Tentacula are used to eliminate Dugbogs or other garden pests. A highly poisonous plant, it is contra-indicated in cases of petrification.

As you have correctly responded to all ten questions, your name will be entered into the pool from which names of future exchange students are drawn. In addition, you have earned a Certificate of Achievement which you may magically retrieve by clicking your wand on the link below :

Just insert a sheet of parchment into your printer, click, and print!

Certificate of Achievement

And when you're finished, simply click on the Back key in your browser window!
Then, if you wish, proceed to the Advanced Level Exam.
