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Bagman : You're absolutely right! Hogwarts Caretaker Filch has indeed forbidden the possession and use of Fanged Frisbees, Screaming Yo-yos, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs, much to the disappointment of the Weasley twins, among others.
Jordan   : Wizard Crackers, on the other hand, are part of a long-standing wizarding tradition. Who doesn't have fond memories of the explosive cannon blast, the white mice sailing through the air, the thick blue smoke, and the impact of party hats slapping you in the face as the wizard crackers go off at the stroke of midnight?
Bagman   : And what child hasn't taken part in a friendly wager over whose plate the mice will land in or who will pass out first from smoke inhalation? I myself have won many a wizard cracker wager at the expense of family and friends while partaking of Christmas dinner or knocking back a goblet of New Year's champagne. To this day, every time I pocket another person's hard-earned monthly salary, it takes me back to those innocent days of childhood when it all started with a meager bet on a wizard cracker...
Jordan   : Er, yes, well... Enough of our reminiscing. Here's the 300 galleon question:

For 300 Galleons: What kind of automobile were Ron Weasley and Harry Potter caught flying through the British countryside after missing the departure of the Hogwarts Express?

a.  Chevy Impala
b.  Ford Anglia
c.  Peugeot 504
d.  Volkswagon Beatle
