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As part of a Monthly Contest, the following Hogwarts students wrote poems about their favorite professors.


I have no teacher that I favour,
I like each and every one.
McGonagall for her strict-kindness,
Snape for constant control,
Sprout cheerful and sweet,
From Flitwick we learn a heap,
Hagrid with his beasts of fury,
Trelawney only makes me worry,
Sinistra with the stars above,
Hooch who let's us chase a dove,
Binns the past ain't gone by fast,
Our DADA teachers just don't last,
Dumbledore cheers when we score, 
Pince we see her when it pours, 
From Mann we learn about Muggles,
And with Vector we fix our number troubles.

All our teachers are great and cool!

--Mackenzie Dickson, Gryffindor prefect, November Contest winner


Dumbledore, dumbledore, he's so good
Like a demi-god, above the rest.
Hated by the dark side and feared by the dark lord
There's no wonder he's the best of the best.

--Melissa Ng of Gryffindor

Lupin is professor of Defense against the Arts Dark
Use his teaching wisely before he and you part.
He will teach you about Redcaps, Hinkypunks and more
In his lessons, you will earn house points for sure.

--Sam Smith of Slytherin

Her classes to me are so worthwile,
Even if it's rare for a smile.
She has the ability to keep all quiet,
And is there in a flash when there's a riot.

She's the head of a house,
And can be as quite as a mouse.
When she's around,
No one dares make a sound.

Do you know who I'm talking about?
If you do please don't shout.
Because, probably if you do,
A detention she will give to you!
 Professor McGonagall is her name,
And my favourite professor is her game!

--Sandy of Ravenclaw


Oh sweet McGonagall
You are are nice and fair 
And don't show favoritism at all.
You are very good at magic
And can turn a mouse into a mall.
I like your size and how you are nice and tall.
You can change from a human to a cat 
As fast as I can bounce a ball .

Though my poem is coming to an end
I could compliment you until I fall.
I think your the best teacher with no exception at all!

--Jacob of Slytherin

Dark and silent he comes;
Tall and regal he waits.
His classroom smells of potions and brews
And God forbid you come in late.

He cheers us on in Quidditch;
He trains us to be great.
Though no emotion he will show
We know to do well is our fate.

We are small, we are few,
But our Master leads us on.
He is serious and, he is tough,
But we have a common bond.

In the dungeon we await his arrival
Our cauldrons in hand.
He teaches a fine old art
And our attention he does command.

So we watch him in awe as he walks
Through the halls and out the gate
The best Professor of all
The best is Professor Snape!

--Alicia Moon of Slytherin

We sit in our classes all day, 
Nothing at all seems to go our way.
We take our tests, we really study a lot,
Patience and tolerance we have...NOT!
McGonagall, Trelawney, Binns, and Sprout,
We have decent teachers without a doubt.

But there is one that stands out in line.
His wit is quick, his mind is fine.
We sit in his class, taking our notes.
This class should definitely not be taken as a joke
Or else he'll sneer, and then just smile
And give you detention for more then a little while.
He'll take off points and leave you quite sore
especially if you happen to be in Gryffindor.

If you know who I'm talking about
Your probably asking, without a doubt
"Him?! You admire him?!
He's ugly, he's mean, he would tear you limb from limb!"
He's not ugly, at least not to me
He's not mean, just misunderstood you see.
As tearing from limb from limb, piece by piece
He wouldn't do it...not physically at least.
So now you know that I am not ashamed to say
That Professor Severus Snape is pretty ok.
Excuse me for being corny, it's not a sin.
But I guess he's the reason I love being in Slytherin!

--Jen Kennedy of Slytherin
