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Quiz #1 Solution : Harry's Supply List
    Five pairs of argyle socks (house colors) - the Scotch Shoppe
    One silver brooch (potion compartment optional) - Talismans & Trinkets
    Two t-shirts for layering in winter weather (silk-screened house mascot permitted) - Gryffindor House Store
    A current Hogwarts I.D. for students wishing to attend Hogsmeade field trips - H P Photo Central
    Temporary tattoo: the Lion's Den
    Course books: Flourish & Blotts
    One cauldron (iron, standard size 4) - Cauldrons & Candles
    One standard flying broom (racing brooms for Quidditch team members only) - Quality Quidditch Supplies
    One star chart, preferably on parchment - Dervish & Banges
    One chess set - The Chess King
    One crystal ball (quartz recommended) - Herb's & Crystal's
    One wizard's staff - Ollivanders
     One all-purpose umbrella - the Apothecary

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Quiz #2 Solution : Harry's Busy Schedule

  9:00  French pancakes with Fleur - Crêpes Stand
  9:45  Haircut in Hogsmeade - Fleur's Salon de Beauté
10:30  Visit Dobby at his new weekend home - Elf Village
11:30  Take Ron on taxi tour of London - Bumper Taxis
12:00  Meet Sirius for quick lunch in Chinatown - The Fortune Cookie
12:30  Pick up Lemon Drops for Dumbledore - Muggle Sweets
12:45  Stop by Mr. & Mrs. Weasley's for dessert - The Burrow
  1:45  Catch Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts - King's Cross Station
  2:00  Housewarming for Myrtle in her new quarters - Moaning Myrtle's
  2:30  Help Hagrid finish training Buckbeak - Magical Creatures Theater
  3:30  Check in on Lupin in Hogsmeade - Shrieking Shack
  4:00  Practice Quidditch moves with Victor - The Wronski Feint
  4:45  Meet Weasley twins at their new place - Fred's & George's Fun House
  5:15  Have picture taken for newspaper - Daily Prophet
  6:00  Irish stew & butterbeer with Ron & Hagrid - Three Broomsticks
  7:00  Sneak back to Hogwarts - Secret Passage
  7:30  Have Hedwig take note to Charlie - Owlery
  7:45  Practice run on the labyrinth for upcoming test - Maze
  8:30  Help Hermione practice flying - Quidditch Field
  9:15  Research goblin biology - Hogwarts Library
10:30  Dobby to sneak me a late night snack - Hogwarts Great Hall
11:00  Curfew - Gryffindor Common Room

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Quiz #3 Solution : A Letter in Code from Sirius

The code is as follows:

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N   O    P    Q    R    S    T    U   V   W   X   Y   Z
1    26   25   24   2   23   22   21  3   20  19   18   17   16   4   15   14   13  12   11   5   10   9    8    7   6

The decoded message is as follows:

    Meet me at noon beside a small lake in Godric's Hollow where Muggle children (and magic one's, too) like to sail boats.  Beside it lies a house visible only to wizards and witches.  It's owned by a giant, but don't worry.  I know the fellow and he's very kind.  Let me know if you can make it by sending an owl to me care of Lupin.  He'll be at that little pub in Hogsmeade he always goes to this evening.

The 3 Places mentioned : Remote Control Boats, The Giant's Cottage, and Hog's Head Pub

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