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The Final Ceremony

The Final Ceremony
by Xedra

Strike the flint and light the torches,
Hold them high against the sky.
Feel the darkness press upon you,
Hear the Moon's persistant cry.

Hear Her crying as the wind blows,
Taste Her tears inside the smoke,
Feel Her sorrow in the drumbeats,
See Her heart as an arrow broke.

Behold! Her child cold and shrouded,
Carried thru fire and wind and rain,
Carried by her mourning sisters
To the funeral pyre's flame.

We keep with us the warrior's fierceness,
We keep with us the mother's pride,
We keep with us the sister's friendship,
We send the ashes with the tide.

Cry your tears into the darkness,
Sing your love into the night,
Dance your grief into the shadows
Until your heavy heart is light.

Our sister is riding Home tonight.