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Gabrielle's Lament

Gabrielle's Lament
by Xedra

This poem was written by Gabrielle to Xena after they parted in "Maternal Instincts"

We went our separate ways tonight.
The pyres burned, blazing bright.
These deaths are a tragedy,
and we're both to blame, you and me.

I'll never forget the look I saw
in your blue eyes, the pain so raw.
The sorrow I feel, beyond compare,
to know that I have put it there.

And now we have to separate,
our hearts too full of grief and hate.
Alone now, I smile at the memory
of the way things used to be.

I try not to dwell on the past,
it seems we were not meant to last.
But I cannot get off my mind
the good times we have left behind.

We travelled together everywhere,
did everything as a pair.
Helping people, you and me,
like it was simply meant to be.

I'd happily listen to you sing
and feel the calm your voice would bring.
I'd tell you tales you'd heard before,
but you would always ask for more.

Our campfire talks on moonlit nights.
Side by side in all those fights.
I feel us growing far apart,
and I know we can't go back to start.

Despite all things, please know I care.
Friends like us are few and rare.
I know I couldn't love you more
than I do right now, or did before.

The fates have planned for you and me
a special kind of destiny.
But it must wait to be fulfilled
until our broken hearts have healed.